A curated list of resources in the field of electric grid mapping to improve global open data coverage, harmonization and quality for a sustainable energy transition. |
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- Open Infrastructure Map [Code]
- GridFinder [Code]
- FLOSM Power Grid
- Electricity Maps - Electricity Grid Carbon Emissions [Code]
- Global Energy Monior
- Africa Electricity Grids Explorer
- Med-TSO - Mediterranean
- KETRACO Transmission Lines - Kenya
- Somalia - Mini-Grids With MV Lines
- Morocco - Electricity Transmission Network
- Energy Map of India (Based on OpenStreetMap Data)
- Baker Institute China Energy Map
- OSW Project Areas & Transmission Lines - Japan
- ASEAN Energy Database - South-East Asia
- OpenDevelopment Cambodia Map Explorer
- OpenDevelopment Mekong Map Explorer
- Indonesia Electricity Supply Business Plan 2021 - 2030
- (Malaysia) Sarawak Power Generation and Network
- (Malaysia) Sabah Energy Roadmap and Master Plan 2040
- Myanmar Existing Power Grid and Under Construction Projects
- Philippines Transmission Development Plan 2020-2040
- Vietnam - Electricity Transmission Network
- Electricity Transmission Lines - Digital Atlas Australia
- Transgrid - Eastern Australia
- Transpower New Zealand Ltd Transmission Lines
- Queensland Australia - NetworkLoad Capacity
- Western Australia Network Capacity Mapping Tool
- Geoscience Australia - National Electricity Transmission Substations
- ENTSO-E Transmission System Map
- JAO Static Grid Model
- National Grid UK
- Uebertragungsnetz.de - Germany Grid Live Data
- Substations Italy - Gestore dei servizi energetici
- Substations UK
- US Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data - Transmission Lines
- EIA U.S. Energy Atlas
- U.S. Electric Power Transmission Lines
- California Energy Commision - Electric Transmission Lines
- ERCOT Transmission Grid Map - Texas (Can only be visited from the US)
- California Electric Substations
- US Electric Substations
- US Electric Power Transmission Substations
- Electric Power Substations
- Electricity Transmission in Canada + US
- U.S. Atlas of Electric Distribution System Hosting Capacity Maps
- AESO Transmission Capability Map 2024 - Canada
- Hosting capacity for FortisAlberta's distribution circuits.
- Yukon Energy Corporation Power Substations - Canada
- Pepco Holdings Capacity Planning Maps - Puerto Rico
- Webmap EPE - Brazil Transmission Grid
- Latin America Energy Outlook Interactive Map (Based on OpenStreetMap Data)
- Mapa del Sistema Eléctrico Nacional - Mexico
- Electric Generation and Transportation Maps - Argentina
- Map of the electrical grid in Chile
- LUMA Energy Puerto Rico
- Portal Energetico America Latina --- generators, oil/gas pipelines, coal terminals, LNG import/export terminals
- Instructivos de restituciĂłn del SIN (Sistema Interconectado Nacional) de Bolivia
- Subestaciones en Bolivia
- COES Lineas existentes Peru
- ENERGYDATA.INFO - Open Data and Analytics for a sustainable energy future
- Transmission network datasets wiki of openmod
- Global Transmission Database - Consists of comprehensive data regarding existing and planned cross-border transmission capacities globally collated from public sources.
- Open Energy Platform Grid Data
- Electricitymaps Data Sources
- openAfrica - Substations
- Predictive mapping of the global power system using open data
- Modelling the High-Voltage Grid Using Open Data for Europe and Beyond
- GridTracer: Automatic Mapping of Power Grids using Deep Learning and Overhead Imagery
- Towards an open pipeline for the detection of critical infrastructure from satellite imagery—a case study on electrical substations in The Netherlands
- PGRID: Power Grid Reconstruction in Informal Developments Using High-Resolution Aerial Imager
- Remote sensing methods for power line corridor surveys
- Open Data in Power Grid Modelling: New Approaches Towards Transparent Grid Models
- U.S. Test System with High Spatial and Temporal Resolution for Renewable Integration Studies
- Geospatial mapping of distribution grid with machine learning and publicly-accessible multi-modal data
- Open Data in Power Grid Modelling: New Approaches Towards Transparent Grid Models
- Power Line Extraction and Reconstruction Methods from Laser Scanning Data: A Literature Review
- Using Deep Learning to Identify Utility Poles with Crossarms and Estimate Their Locations from Google Street View Images
- Harmonized and Open Energy Dataset for Modeling a Highly Renewable Brazilian Power System
- Inverse methods: How feasible are spatially low-resolved capacity expansion modelling results when disaggregated at high spatial resolution?
- A comparison of clustering methods for the spatial reduction of renewable electricity optimisation models of Europe
- A Reproducible Method for Mapping Electricity Transmission Infrastructure for Space Weather Risk Assessment
- From Taking Stock to Taking Action
- NREL National Transmission Planning Study
- Putting the mission in transmission: Grids for Europes Energy Transition
- Electric grid overhaul presents inspection challenges
- The energy crisis hits Latin America, which is experiencing unprecedented blackouts and droughts (Spanish)
- Ember - Asia Data Transparency Report 2023
- Ember - Putting the mission in transmission: Grids for Europe’s energy transition
- Lack of transmission lines puts wind and solar energy projects on hold in Brazil (Spanish)
- In West’ Africa, the efforts of’ electrification are lead by the weakness of transport networks (French)
- RIP first come, first served - Shifting gear to tackle power grid scarcity
- Speed up the construction of the power grid and break the bottleneck of energy transformation (Chinese)
- Integrating renewables into the Japanese power grid by 2030
- Brazil's grid caps power from wind and solar, threatening renewable projects
- Renewable Capacity Growth Severely Hit by Power Transmission Delays
- India’s Renewable Energy Expansion Poses Threats to Its Grid Stability
- India needs to explore incentives to improve renewables transmission capacity, power secretary says
- Transmission Adequacy in India: Building a resilient and sustainable grid
- These 8 Countries Are Scaling Up Renewable Energy the Fastest
- Pinpointing the power grid
- 10 years of power infrastructure mapping: what's next? Slides
- Analysis of renewable energy infrastructure representations in OpenStreetMap
- AI for Transmission Grid Mapping: Methodology & Use Cases
- The Power of YouthMappers: Shining a Light on the Movement
- OpenGridMap pecha kucha style presentation
- Open-source Geo-spatial Assessment of Electricity Transmission Infrastructure
- PyPSA Grid Analysis - Compares the PyPSA-Eur transmission grid database as well as the PyPSA-Earth transmission grid database for a selected region of 50 Hertz in Germany.
- earth-osm - Provides a Python API and a CLI interface to extract data for various infrastructure types, such as power lines, substations, and more.
- powerplantmatching - Set of tools to combine multiple power plant databases.
- Machine Learning for High Volatage Grid Mapping - Report
- ml-hv-grid - Documentation
- ml-hv-grid - Repository
- Mapping electrical towers in satellite imagery with smart-tracing - Slides
- A new predictive model for more accurate electrical grid mapping - Blog
- Predictive mapping of the global power system using open data - Paper
- Methods for: Predictive mapping of the global power system using open data
- gridfinder - Repository
- gridfinder - Dataset
- An Aerial-Image Dataset for Detection and Segmentation of Transmission Towers and Power Line - Paper
- TTPLA Dataset
- PGRID: Power Grid Reconstruction in Informal Developments Using High-Resolution Aerial Imagery - Paper
- turkana-grid-mapping - Repository
- GridTracer - Automatic Mapping of Power Grids using Deep Learning and Overhead Imagery
- GridTracer - Trainings Data
- GridTracer - Repository
- Power Grid Mapper - Code
- Inferring Energy Infrastructure - Code
- Improving satellite imagery segmentation using multiple Sentinel-2 revisits - Paper
- Improving satellite imagery segmentation using multiple Sentinel-2 revisits - Code
- Remote Sensing Dataset: Substation Dataset
- Substation detection on NSO imagery - Code
- Substation detection on NSO imagery - Data
- Substation detection on NSO imagery - Paper
- Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
- Youthmappers - Mapping for a sustainable future: YouthMappers tackle global climate challenges
- Youthmappers - Power Mapping brings Rapid Reliable Energy to Rural Communities
- Youthmappers - Power Grid Mapping in West Africa
- learnOSM
- Building large-scale crowdsourcing communities with the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
- JOSM OpenStreetMap Editor for Beginners
- How to use the JOSM MapwithAI Feature Humanitarian Mappers
- OSM History Analyser Code
- OSMstats
- How did you contribute to OpenStreetMap
- Create a HeatMap of your Contribution
- Filtering OSM Changesets by a Specific Text of the last 30 Days
- id
- RapiD
- MapWithAI
- fAIr
- JOSM Power Styles by InfosReseaux
- PicLayer
- OpenData
- esri-dump
- OSMnx - A Python package to easily download, model, analyze, and visualize street networks and other geospatial features from OpenStreetMap.
- Maptcha-dev
- Verifiability
- Importing is the process of uploading external data to OSM.
- Import/Catalogue
- Import/Guidelines
- The Learning Curve
- Components of Overhead Transmission Lines
- Transmission Line Theory
- Energy Industry Applications of GIS
- Purdue University - Transmission Lines
- Purdue University - Introduction to Transmission Lines
- Comparison between HVAC and HVDC transmission system
- A Field Guide To Transmission Lines
- How Does the Power Grid Work?
- Line Design Principles - Powerlink Queensland
- Explained: Fundamentals of Power Grid - Reliability and Clean Electricity
- Components of a High Voltage Electrical Transmission Line
- Identify equipment in a substation
- Let's trace the power lines all the way to the power plant