Release 3.0.0
Summary of the major changes since 2.1.1
- Refactor of jDigidoc into DDOC4J module. Only DDOC validation is now supported, other functionality removed!
- PKCS11 slot selection with label
- Possibility to sign and validate detached XAdES signatures
- OCSP check for TM suitability
- Enabling LOTL validation constraints
Bug fixes (inconclusive list):
- Fix for loosing configuration during serialization/deserialization
- Changes in DDOC error handling
- Support for old DDOC formats (1.0, 1.1)
- Fixes in digidoc4j utility
Known issues
- PDF validation always returns invalid status
- Creating ASIC-S containers produces non standard containers
- AIA OCSP usage not supported
While upgrading, be sure that your integration :
- doesn't use Xalan or XercesImpl dependencies
- uses a patched Java version (JDK7u40+, JDK8 or higher)
Xalan and XercesImpl were used to patch XML vulnerabilities in older java versions. They should be discarded with higher versions because they override default Java XML security.
If it is not possible to remove Xalan, then you can set your system property to override TransformerFactory : System.setProperty("javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory","");