Summary of the changes since 2.10.2
- Updated DD4J version to 6.0.0-RC.1
- Added long term archival (LTA) support to datafiles API
- Augmenting ASiC-E containers with valid Estonian XAdES signatures (LT/LTA signature profile is extended by adding archive timestamp)
- Encapsulating ASiC-E/BDOC container into an ASiC-S container if signatures are not suitable for extending (e.g. profile is LT_TM, certificates are expired)
- Adding new timestamp token to ASiC-S containers with existing timestamp tokens
- Accessing datafiles and signatures of the inner container in case of composite ASiC-S container
- Supported container types are restricted to BDOC, ASiC-E and ASiC-S
- Improved error handling for ASiC-S container
- Updated error handling on using LTA profile in hashcode endpoints
- Updated dependencies
- Updated documentation