This component is YII2 wrapper for Telerivet PHP SDK.
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
php composer.phar require --prefer-dist open-ecommerce/yii2-telerivet "dev-master"
or if you have composer installed globaly
composer require --prefer-dist open-ecommerce/yii2-telerivet "dev-master"
or add
"open-ecommerce/yii2-telerivet": "dev-master"
to the require section of your composer.json
Depending on your minimun composer requirements defined in your composer.json you will need to add the repository:
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
Once the extension is installed, simply use it in your code by putting this in your config:
'components' => array(
'Yii2Telerivet' => array(
'class' => 'openecommerce\yiiTelerivet\YiiTelerivet',
'account_sid' => getenv('Telerivet_ACCOUNT_SID'),
'auth_key' => getenv('Telerivet_AUTH_KEY'),
After you have configured a component, you can use it for example in this way:
$TelerivetService = Yii::$app->Yii2Telerivet->initTelerivet();
try {
$message = $TelerivetService->account->messages->create(
"+12345678901", // To a number that you want to send sms
"from" => "+12345678901", // From a number that you are sending
"body" => "Hello from my Yii2 Application!",
} catch (\Telerivet\Exceptions\RestException $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
For more SDK functions and usage documentation feel free to visit official Telerivet PHP SDK documentation section here.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.