Open Dating is open source project like Tinder and others similar service, with lot of differents.
More info on project site:
Available api endpoints:
Install deps:
# install docker and docker compose
# docker -
# docker compose -
# npm and nodejs -
Init envs:
Create .env and copy all from .env.example
# install deps
npm i
# run docker with pg and dnn services
npm run docker:dev
# run migration and after it run nest app
npm run start:migrate-n-dev
Autogenerate new migration if you change enityties:
npm run typeorm:generate MigartionName
If you need fcm push functional, get fsm file form google and save in root as fcm.json
When you first run, you can view in console admin login/pass as:
[Admin] Created admin user: {"email":"[email protected]","pass":"BCKUPE"}
You can use what cred for login via swagger: http://localhost:4300/api/v1/doc/ by auth/login method, after login get jwt.accessToken and autorize in swagger and now you can use all admin endpoints which include seeding and etc.
Executed on localy instance
npm run test
Run in testing suite(with all migrations and etc):
# start testing containers
npm run docker:test
# run test
npm run docker:exec:test
Set up values in .env as .env.example-prod and run
docker volume create --name=od-postgres
docker-compose -f up -d --build
- connect to sentry
- calc dnn and distance is user profile
- add donation emails
- edit more user profile fields
- check for lang typos
- add support more algo in users search
- write more tests
- add multilang support
- run on prod without docker-compose and .env files