PySDM v2.0
- Monte-Carlo super-particle-number-conserving collisional breakup representation
(original algorithm and implementation by @edejong-caltech and @jb-mackay)
- Lowe et al. 2019 (Pruppacher & Klett) diffusion kinetics/thermics & latent heat formula (thanks @claresinger)
- Lowe 1977 saturation vapour pressure formulae (thanks @claresinger)
- Murphy and Koop 2005 saturation vapour pressure formulae (thanks @isilber)
- new product: FlowVelocityComponent
- new spectra: Gamma & Gaussian (thanks @edejong-caltech)
- fixing race condition in coalescence counter increments (thanks @jb-mackay)
- fixing non-rectangular domain handling in VTK exporter
- switch from SciPy to PySDM backend root-solver in CompressedFilmRuehl surface tension (thanks @claresinger)
- swithing to use single buffer for all products (less memory allocated)
- better unit-test coverage for physics formulae incl. units (thanks @claresinger)