"SourceView" demonstrates how to use NSOutlineView backed by NSTreeController and various other Cocoa classes to produce a Finder-like source view. It also uses NSSplitViewController and a storyboard to organize the various NSViewControllers.
Among the features demonstrated are -
- Source outline view using view-based NSOutlineView
- Loading dictionary data from disk using [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile…] to populate the outline view,
- Outline view uses selection highlight style: NSTableViewSelectionHighlightStyleSourceList, which gives is a gradient-style selection.
- Icon view of directories using NSCollectionView,
- Viewing URLs using WebView,
- Outline view drag and drop support for URLs and file system-based objects (from Safari, Finder, etc),
- Factoring or organizing its various NSViews into NSViewControllers.
- Factoring or organizing its various Windows into NSWindowControllers.
- Obtaining file system icons using NSWorkspace,
- NSSplitView controlled by NSSplitViewController sub-pane size management during divider resize,
- Using template images in our buttons such as NSImageNameAddTemplate and NSImageNameRemoveTemplate
macOS 10.12 SDK or later
OS X 10.10 or later
The Bookmarks section is determined the external Outline.dict file, read in as a NSDictionary and populated into the NSOutlineView. You can experiment on your own with adding and removing items in this file.
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