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chore(minipipeline): regenerate test cases (#1469)
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This diff extracts the part of
#1462 that only consists in
regenerating test cases for minipipeline. Because the measurements are
not deterministic, we have some churn every time we rerun the script
that regenerates such test cases.

Reference issue: ooni/probe#1517.
  • Loading branch information
bassosimone committed Jan 24, 2024
1 parent 39ab3d2 commit 5371908
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Showing 139 changed files with 5,434 additions and 5,643 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
"Failure": "ssl_invalid_certificate",
"TransactionID": 3,
"TagFetchBody": true,
"DNSTransactionID": 1,
"DNSTransactionID": 2,
"DNSDomain": "",
"DNSLookupFailure": "",
"DNSQueryType": null,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -107,8 +107,8 @@
"DNSTransactionID": 2,
"DNSDomain": "",
"DNSLookupFailure": "",
"DNSQueryType": "A",
"DNSEngine": "udp",
"DNSQueryType": "ANY",
"DNSEngine": "getaddrinfo",
"DNSResolvedAddrs": [
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -153,8 +153,8 @@
"DNSTransactionID": 1,
"DNSDomain": "",
"DNSLookupFailure": "",
"DNSQueryType": "ANY",
"DNSEngine": "getaddrinfo",
"DNSQueryType": "A",
"DNSEngine": "udp",
"DNSResolvedAddrs": [
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -194,9 +194,9 @@
"TagDepth": 0,
"Type": 0,
"Failure": "dns_no_answer",
"TransactionID": 2,
"TransactionID": 1,
"TagFetchBody": null,
"DNSTransactionID": 2,
"DNSTransactionID": 1,
"DNSDomain": "",
"DNSLookupFailure": "dns_no_answer",
"DNSQueryType": "AAAA",
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,16 +6,16 @@
"FinalResponseFailure": "unknown_error"
"DNSLookupSuccess": [
"DNSLookupSuccessWithInvalidAddresses": [],
"DNSLookupSuccessWithValidAddress": [
"DNSLookupSuccessWithBogonAddresses": [],
"DNSLookupSuccessWithInvalidAddressesClassic": [],
"DNSLookupSuccessWithValidAddressClassic": [
"DNSLookupUnexpectedFailure": [],
"DNSLookupUnexplainedFailure": [],
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
"Failure": "ssl_invalid_certificate",
"TransactionID": 3,
"TagFetchBody": true,
"DNSTransactionID": 1,
"DNSTransactionID": 2,
"DNSDomain": "",
"DNSLookupFailure": "",
"DNSQueryType": null,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -99,9 +99,9 @@
"TagDepth": 0,
"Type": 0,
"Failure": "",
"TransactionID": 1,
"TransactionID": 2,
"TagFetchBody": null,
"DNSTransactionID": 1,
"DNSTransactionID": 2,
"DNSDomain": "",
"DNSLookupFailure": "",
"DNSQueryType": "ANY",
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
"tunnel": 0
"input": "",
"measurement_start_time": "2024-01-22 20:26:43",
"measurement_start_time": "2024-01-23 16:07:26",
"probe_asn": "AS137",
"probe_cc": "IT",
"probe_ip": "",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -37,8 +37,8 @@
"failure": null,
"operation": "connect",
"proto": "tcp",
"t0": 0.011631,
"t": 0.017588,
"t0": 0.011584,
"t": 0.017182,
"transaction_id": 3,
"tags": [
Expand All @@ -48,11 +48,11 @@
"address": "",
"failure": null,
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"num_bytes": 2262,
"operation": "bytes_received_cumulative",
"proto": "tcp",
"t0": 0.028537,
"t": 0.028537,
"t0": 0.02732,
"t": 0.02732,
"transaction_id": 3,
"tags": [
Expand All @@ -78,9 +78,9 @@
"failure": null,
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"t0": 0.000084,
"t": 0.000084,
"transaction_id": 2,
"t0": 0.000066,
"t": 0.000066,
"transaction_id": 1,
"tags": [
Expand All @@ -91,9 +91,9 @@
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"proto": "udp",
"t0": 0.000166,
"t": 0.000189,
"transaction_id": 2,
"t0": 0.000103,
"t": 0.000123,
"transaction_id": 1,
"tags": [
Expand All @@ -104,45 +104,45 @@
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"operation": "write",
"proto": "udp",
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"t": 0.000195,
"transaction_id": 2,
"t0": 0.000127,
"t": 0.000131,
"transaction_id": 1,
"tags": [
"address": "",
"failure": null,
"num_bytes": 70,
"num_bytes": 36,
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"proto": "udp",
"t0": 0.000195,
"t": 0.005092,
"transaction_id": 2,
"t0": 0.000128,
"t": 0.005533,
"transaction_id": 1,
"tags": [
"address": "",
"failure": null,
"num_bytes": 36,
"num_bytes": 70,
"operation": "read",
"proto": "udp",
"t0": 0.0002,
"t": 0.006039,
"transaction_id": 2,
"t0": 0.000139,
"t": 0.005879,
"transaction_id": 1,
"tags": [
"failure": null,
"operation": "resolve_done",
"t0": 0.006058,
"t": 0.006058,
"transaction_id": 2,
"t0": 0.005913,
"t": 0.005913,
"transaction_id": 1,
"tags": [
Expand All @@ -169,8 +169,25 @@
"resolver_hostname": null,
"resolver_port": null,
"resolver_address": "",
"t0": 0.000081,
"t": 0.005809,
"t0": 0.00008,
"t": 0.005767,
"tags": [
"transaction_id": 2
"answers": null,
"engine": "udp",
"failure": "dns_no_answer",
"hostname": "",
"query_type": "AAAA",
"raw_response": "Qn+BAAABAAAAAAAAB2V4cGlyZWQGYmFkc3NsA2NvbQAAHAAB",
"resolver_hostname": null,
"resolver_port": null,
"resolver_address": "",
"t0": 0.000076,
"t": 0.005538,
"tags": [
Expand All @@ -190,33 +207,16 @@
"failure": null,
"hostname": "",
"query_type": "A",
"resolver_hostname": null,
"resolver_port": null,
"resolver_address": "",
"t0": 0.00011,
"t": 0.005099,
"t": 0.005884,
"tags": [
"transaction_id": 2
"answers": null,
"engine": "udp",
"failure": "dns_no_answer",
"hostname": "",
"query_type": "AAAA",
"resolver_hostname": null,
"resolver_port": null,
"resolver_address": "",
"t0": 0.000092,
"t": 0.006042,
"tags": [
"transaction_id": 2
"transaction_id": 1
"requests": [],
Expand All @@ -228,8 +228,8 @@
"failure": null,
"success": true
"t0": 0.011631,
"t": 0.017588,
"t0": 0.011584,
"t": 0.017182,
"tags": [
Expand All @@ -247,13 +247,13 @@
"no_tls_verify": false,
"peer_certificates": [
"data": "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",
"format": "base64"
"server_name": "",
"t0": 0.017604,
"t": 0.028513,
"t0": 0.017197,
"t": 0.027298,
"tags": [
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -321,7 +321,7 @@
"x_conn_priority_log": [
"msg": "create with [{Addr: Flags:3}]",
"t": 0.01159
"t": 0.011551
"control_failure": null,
Expand All @@ -340,7 +340,7 @@
"accessible": false
"test_name": "web_connectivity",
"test_runtime": 0.506179,
"test_start_time": "2024-01-22 20:26:43",
"test_runtime": 0.506011,
"test_start_time": "2024-01-23 16:07:26",
"test_version": "0.5.28"
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
"TagDepth": 0,
"Type": 0,
"Failure": "dns_no_answer",
"TransactionID": 2,
"TransactionID": 1,
"TagFetchBody": null,
"DNSTransactionID": 2,
"DNSTransactionID": 1,
"DNSDomain": "",
"DNSLookupFailure": "dns_no_answer",
"DNSQueryType": "AAAA",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -50,9 +50,9 @@
"TagDepth": 0,
"Type": 0,
"Failure": "",
"TransactionID": 1,
"TransactionID": 2,
"TagFetchBody": null,
"DNSTransactionID": 1,
"DNSTransactionID": 2,
"DNSDomain": "",
"DNSLookupFailure": "",
"DNSQueryType": "ANY",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -96,9 +96,9 @@
"TagDepth": 0,
"Type": 0,
"Failure": "",
"TransactionID": 2,
"TransactionID": 1,
"TagFetchBody": null,
"DNSTransactionID": 2,
"DNSTransactionID": 1,
"DNSDomain": "",
"DNSLookupFailure": "",
"DNSQueryType": "A",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
"Failure": "ssl_invalid_certificate",
"TransactionID": 3,
"TagFetchBody": true,
"DNSTransactionID": 1,
"DNSTransactionID": 2,
"DNSDomain": "",
"DNSLookupFailure": "",
"DNSQueryType": null,
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
"TagDepth": 0,
"Type": 0,
"Failure": "",
"TransactionID": 1,
"TransactionID": 2,
"TagFetchBody": null,
"DNSTransactionID": 1,
"DNSTransactionID": 2,
"DNSDomain": "",
"DNSLookupFailure": "",
"DNSQueryType": "ANY",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
"Failure": "ssl_invalid_certificate",
"TransactionID": 3,
"TagFetchBody": true,
"DNSTransactionID": 1,
"DNSTransactionID": 2,
"DNSDomain": "",
"DNSLookupFailure": "",
"DNSQueryType": null,
Expand Down

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