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OnPay WHMCS Module

This module implements the OnPay payment gateway into WHMCS.

Supported features

  • Allow customer to pay using the card both for new and recurring items (reuse the card).
  • Set the payment window design from OnPay
  • Allow charging the card through WHMCS admin
  • Allow refunds through WHMCS admin
  • Allows multiple gateway IDs, window designs, secrets and api keys.


  • Implement MobilePay subscriptions when OnPay supports it.

Not implemented

  • Deleting a card from WHMCS will not delete the subscription (remote token) at OnPay. WHMCS does not currently implement a function or hook on card deletion that would allow this functionality to be added.
  • Calculating the card fees.


  • OnPay Subscription addon (99 DKK/month).
  • WHMCS 7.9 or newer


1: Copy files into modules/gateways:

onpay.php -> modules/gateways/onpay.php
onpay -> modules/gateways/onpay
callback/onpay.php -> modules/gateways/callbacks/onpay.php

2: Language files can be found in lang/overrides, and can be copied/merged to the corresponding lang/overrides directory in WHMCS.

3: Activate the module in System Settings -> Payment Gateways

4: Configure the module as per the instructions in the settings page.

4.1: Window Design is not required, it will simply default to the normal OnPay layout.

Handling multiple settlement currencies

There's cases where you want to handle multiple merchant accounts, e.g. when having multiple settlement currencies with Clearhaus which results in two API keys on the clearhaus side, which then in turn, also requires two merchant accounts.

To address this, the configuration is flexible to accommodate this. In its simplest form you can simply set the default configuration, as you'd normally do for gatewayID, windowDesign, windowSecret and apiKey, this will apply globally across all transactions.

A basic configuration example is as follows:

gatewayID: 3021017461000000
windowDesign: customWindow
windowSecret: XXXXXXXXXXXX

However, we can also control this per currency using the format DEFAULT:XXXX,CURRENCY_CODE:YYYY. This will be matched against the currency set on the client's account, so if we have DEFAULT:XXXX,USD:YYYY defined, and a customer pays in USD, we'll use the YYYY value, however if the customer pays in DKK or EUR, we'll use XXXX as the value, since that's the configured fallback value.

As a small example:

gatewayID: DEFAULT:3021017461000000,DKK:3021017461000001,EUR:3021017461000002
windowDesign: DEFAULT:customWindow,DKK:dkkWindow

Here we change gatewayID depending on DEFAULT, DKK and EUR, but for windowDesign we only change it for DEFAULT and DKK (so EUR will use DEFAULT).

If you're defining currencies without DEFAULT, we'll use the first currency in the list. For a list of accepted currencies, you can look at