ClassroomAPI is a Python library for accessing Google Classroom's API. It aims to be more Pythonic than Google's own Classrom Python API. It has been heavily influenced by (code copied from) UCF Open's CanvasAPI.
Major changes from Google's Python API include accessing object details as attributes
instead of JSON dict entries like class["name"]
. courseWork
can be accessed by type, so course.get_coursework()
gets everything, but course.get_assignments()
only gets ASSIGNMENT
py -m pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client google-auth-httplib2 google-auth-oauthlib
py -m pip install --index-url --no-deps classroomapi
Download your own token.json
from Google Cloud console, then put the following in a
from classroomapi.classroom import Classroom
classroom = Classroom("token.json")
# list all courses
courses = classroom.get_courses()
# list all assignments in a course
course = courses[0]
assignments = course.get_assignments()
course_information = {
'name': 'New Course Name',
'ownerId': 'me',
'room': '105A',
'description': 'Course description',
'section': 'A',
'descriptionHeading': 'This course created with classroomapi',
course = classroom.create_course(course_information)
Documentation is not available yet. So sorry.
Verb option instead of patch
classroom.edit_course(course_id, body, update_mask)
assignment.edit(body, update_mask)
# etc.
This is a crude attempt to mirror canvasapi for Google Classroom. Pull requests are welcome. This is my first package, and it may need to be majorly restructured.
py -m pip install --upgrade build
py -m build
pip install --editable .
py -m pip install --upgrade twine
py -m twine upload --skip-existing --repository testpypi dist/*
- Pagination
for requests to list classes, assignments, etc. - Unit tests
- Verify coverage of API endpoints
- Consider fetching information directly from Google Classroom API, rather than using Google's Python API
- Control scope of Classroom class, which currently requests all possible permissions
The structure of Google Classroom's API prevents the user from modifying many things. Check the associatedWithDeveloper
attribute to see if this is the issue. The best way to ensure you have access to edit everything is to create the course and all assignments with the API.
For example, the details of any course created with the web interface cannot be modified by the API. Any assignment created with the web interface or an external service (like Desmos Classroom) cannot be modified by the API. This has something to do with the token used to create the item.
- StackOverflow: Classroom.Courses.CourseWork.patch
- StackOverflow: Google Classroom API modifyAttachments
- StackOverflow: Unable to grade student work via API if assignment was created in the Google Classroom UI
- Google Issue Tracker: Allow to edit course work submission grade from developer project that did not create that coursework
- Google Issue Tracker: Coursework: Modify assignments that were not created by the app