#968 Add an example to convert a pipeline with CatBoostClassifier
#967 Update CI with onnxruntime==1.14.0 (with some code logic changed to to adapt ORT 1.14)
#963 Fix use of split operator with opset 18
#960 Avoid unnecessary loop iterations
#959 Fix type issue when using FeatureVectorizer
#957 Handle FeatureUnions with nested FeatureUnion or ColumnTransformers
#953 Renames n_features_ into n_features_in_ for scikit-learn 1.2
#952 Adding check for n_features in skl gb
#947 Add converter for FeatureHasher
#944 Update requirements and CI
#943 Dedup in requirements
#942 Fix a bug in identity removal (local variables)
#941 Supppot log_loss in SDGClassifier converter (scikit-learn >= 1.1)
#940 Add converter for WhiteKernel (gaussian processes)
#938 Take raw_name from user inputs
#935 Removes two warnings due to scipy update
#934 Add CodeQL workflow
#933 Fix issue #929 , less Cast op in
#931 Fix a broken example in the documentation
#930 Added support for passthrough connection to stacking estimator
#917 Fix option stop_words='english' in TfldVectorizer
#916 Fixes documentation
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