This repository hosts a project for the implementation of a multi-layer perceptron. The project aims to preprocess data, train a neural network on it, and finally evaluate the performance of the trained model.
The repository is organized as follows:
- This script is for removing any missing data from the dataset.
- This script is responsible for converting categorical values (letters) into numerical values.
- This script normalizes the converted numerical data.
- This is the main script where the multi-layer perceptron model is defined, trained and evaluated.
Clone the repository: Start by cloning this repository to your local machine using git clone.
Install dependencies: You'll need to install several Python packages to be able to run this project. You can do this by running pip install -r requirements.txt.
Preprocessing: Run the,, and scripts to preprocess the data. Run the scripts in the specified order.
Within the script, you can adjust the following metaparameters:
- max_epoch: The maximum number of training epochs.
- err_goal: The desired error goal to achieve.
- disp_freq: The frequency of display updates.
- lr_vec: The learning rate values.
- K1_vec: The first set of node numbers in the hidden layers.
- K2_vec: The second set of node numbers in the hidden layers.
Train the Model: Once your data is preprocessed and metaparameters are set, you can run the script to train and evaluate your multi-layer perceptron model.