Docker made it obsolete.
-- Ondrej Sika
Easy deploy Python WSGI apps
- Ondrej Sika,, [email protected]
Under MIT License, for more detail see LICENSE file
- project home -
- main repository -
- pypi package -
- lastest download version -
Need installed before install deploy
- nginx
- gunicorn
- supervisor
- git
- sudo
- node js (for CoffeeScript compilation)
as root
pip install deploy
deploy startserver appname ""
in project root must be file with variable application (wsgi application)
if existst file requirements.txt in project root, auto install requirements to virtualenv in env dir
After GIT update run post-update
hook from root. Accept too file name post_update
(backport, will be removed in version 2.0)
in production is branch master
git remote add deploy git@server:appname.git
git push deploy master
opens vim with config file, then restart service
deploy serverconf "appname" nginx
deploy serverconf "appname" supervisor
restart only worker (supervisor), not nginx
deploy restart "appname"
remove server & create backup to BACKUP_DIR (default /var/deploy/backups). If you can remove app, fro security reason, type app name
deploy remove "app"
type app name [app]: app
if you can use remove in scripts, add paramenter -f (force)
deploy remove "app" -f
fix supervisor reload
add root verification