- take screenshots of renfining mining orders using tesseract-ocr
- convert images data into text using tesseract-ocr
- get prices for refined minerals using https://uexcorp.space/ API (review this page to get your API key)
- get the refined amount per order and share per players
Python version in use = 3.9.0
To list current requirement:
pip freeze requirement.txt
To install packages in requirement.txt:
pip install -r requirement.txt
tesseract-ocr needs to be installed in addition to requirement.txt
for a Windows system is recommended to use a windows installer: https://github.com/UB-Mannheim/tesseract/wiki
for a Linux system it can be installed using apt:
sudo apt install tesseract-ocr
- the current script version is intended to work foremost in Windows 10
- if using a Windows system, in controller.py file line 51 update your username folder path
- save all images for an order in the img/ folder
- run model.py
- db.json will be updated with a new order each time model.py runs
- when using the function pytesseract.image_to_string(), for the current version, most likely it will ignore single digit inputs
- if this happens the quantities for each mineral will be shifted and needs to be updated manually
- to solve the previous issue, tuning for the images or using another solution rather than tesseract-ocr may be introduced
- input to read players names from an image also will be introduced