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Plux: Chat with Your PDFs

Plux is a Next.js application that allows users to interact with their PDF files through chat. This project leverages LangChain, Pinecone, and TogetherAI for document embedding and retrieval, and Groq (Llama-3).

Project Setup

Clone the Repository

git clone

Install Dependencies

Navigate to the project directory and install the required dependencies:

cd plux
pnpm install

Environment Configuration

Create a .env.local file at the root of the project and add the following environment variables:

# TogetherAI API key

#Groq API Key

# Pinecone API key

# Stripe keys

# Database connection string (Prisma)

# Optional: Kinde Auth variables

# Server URL for absolute URL function

Set Up Pinecone

  1. Create an account at Pinecone.
  2. Create a new index named 'plux' with a dimension of 768.
  3. Save your Pinecone API key in the .env.local file.

Set Up Stripe

  1. Create an account at Stripe.
  2. Create a new product and pricing plan for your Pro plan.
  3. Use the Stripe price IDs in the PLANS array within src/config/stripe.ts.
  4. Save your Stripe keys in the .env.local file.

Database Setup

This project uses Prisma for database management. Install Prisma CLI globally:

pnpm install -g prisma

Run the migrations:

npx prisma migrate dev

Start the Development Server

pnpm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to see the application running.

Additional Configuration

Update Absolute URL Function

In src/lib/utils.ts, update the absoluteUrl function to use your SERVER_URL:

export function absoluteUrl(path: string) {
    return `${process.env.SERVER_URL}${path}`;

Update API Routes

Adjust src/app/api/message/route.ts to work with your chosen LLM and its API.

Update onUploadComplete Function

The onUploadComplete function in src/app/api/uploadthing/core.ts assumes the use of TogetherAIEmbeddings. Update this function to use the correct embeddings model if using a different one.


  • Ensure Node.js and pnpm are installed on your machine.
  • This application uses Kinde Auth for user authentication, which can be customized or replaced.
  • Tailor the LLM integration and configuration to suit your chosen model and setup.