Spreadlogd is a simple tool to log messages received via the Spread Group Communication system. It is primarily used in conjuction with mod_log_spread to journal a centralized log file for a cluster of Apache servers.
Due to a loadable module system, it can be enhanced to passively analyze the messages that it witnesses. This can lead to the development of interesting and innovative tools.
This software is made available under the Artistic license. Please read the license before using this software.
This software works great for me. Other than the options seen with -h there are a few tid bits of knowledge to know.
Edit the makefile and uncomment/comment the right parts in the architecture dependant sections.
If you kill -HUP or kill the spreadlogd process, it will not actually process the signal until after it has received its next message from Spread. You can move you log files to new names and then kill -HUP and it will reopen the log files. This is useful for seamless log rotation without losing any messages.
Spread is really cool. It is a poweful group communication toolkit developed at the Center for Networking and Distributed Systems at the Johns Hopkins University. http://www.spread.org/ and http://www.cnds.jhu.edu/, respectively.