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The OMERO DSL plugin for Gradle provides a plugin named dsl. This plugin manages the reading of *.ome.xml mappings and compilation of .vm velocity templates.


The plugin can be built using Gradle 5 or Gradle 6.

To build the plugin run:

gradle build

To publish the plugin locally run:

gradle publishToMavenLocal


Include the following at the top of your build.gradle file:

plugins {
    id "org.openmicroscopy.dsl" version "x.y.z"

Configuring plugin

The omero-dsl plugin introduces the dsl {} block to define configuration options for Velocity and SemanticType processing.

omero-dsl supports two kinds of code generation, source code (multiple files) and resource code (single file).

To generate resource (single) files or source code (multiple files), start by adding a singleFile { } or multiFile { } block to dsl {}. Inside the singleFile or multiFile block you can add one or more inner blocks. Inner blocks that you add can be named anything you want and will result in tasks being created with the prefix generate[YOUR BLOCK NAME HERE].

Code Example:

dsl {
    multiFile {
        java {
            template "object.vm"
            outputDir  "build/psql/java" //psql is the default database type
            formatOutput = { st ->

This will add a task generateJava under the group omero-dsl in gradle. Run gradle tasks for a complete list.

Resource Example:

dsl {
    singleFile {
        hibernate {
            template "cfg.vm"
            outputFile "build/psql/resources/hibernate.cfg.xml"

This will add a task generateHibernate under the group omero-dsl in gradle. Run gradle tasks for a complete list.

If you are using IntelliJ, refresh the Gradle Toolbar and the task will appear in the list once the IDE completes its work.

For convenience, you can set the following three properties if templates and generated files reside in similar locations. For example:

dsl {
    // -- Optional ---
    mappingFiles fileTree(dir: "src/main/resources/mappings", include: '**/*.ome.xml')
    outputDir file("build/psql")
    // ---------------

    code {
        java {
            template "object.vm" // This will be searched for in 'src/main/resources/templates'
            outputDir "java" // This will output to build/psql/java
            formatOutput { st ->
    resource {
        hibernate {
            template "cfg.vm" // This will be searched for in 'src/main/resources/templates'
            outputFile "resources/hibernate.cfg.xml" // This will output to build/psql/resources/hibernate.cfg.xml

In order to configure the VelocityEngine, add the velocity extension to your build.gradle file, for example:

dsl {
    velocity {
        resource_loader = 'file'
        resource_loader_class = ['file.resource.loader.class': 'org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader.FileResourceLoader']
        file_resource_loader_path = 'src/main/resources/templates'
        file_resource_loader_cache = false

dsl Properties

Property Type Default Description
omeXmlFiles FileCollection jar'd .ome.xml files .ome.xml mapping files in project
outputDir File - Base output directory to place generated files

multiFile Properties

Property name type Default value Description
outputDir File - Output directory to generate files in
formatOutput Closure - Closure that receives a SemanticType object for tweaking generated files names
database String - Path to .properties file describing type for the database engine syntax to use
template File - Velocity file, can be absolute or filename to search through dsl.templateFiles
omeXmlFiles FileCollection - Collection of .ome.xml files, overrides dsl.mappingFiles if set

singleFile Properties

Property name type Default value Description
outputFile File - File to generate
database String - Path to .properties file describing type for the database engine syntax to use
template File - Velocity file, can be absolute or filename to search through dsl.templateFiles
omeXmlFiles FileCollection - Collection of .ome.xml files, overrides dsl.mappingFiles if set

Gradle Task

Additional configurations to the dsl extension add a new task

Type Description
tasks.DslBaseTask Generates Java source from ome.xml and .vm files

If, like in the examples above, you create configurations javaModels and sqlModels, these tasks will run before compileJava.

Task name Depends On
compileJava processJavaModels
compileJava processSqlModels


Build tool for generating code in OMERO



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