Aggregation of configuration files & knowledge.
You'll find here my configuration for:
- text editor Neovim
- Desktop Manager Plasma
- OS & package manager NixOs and nixpkgs (old)
- bash (but I should take time to investigate on ZSH)
- cheatsheets
Already better than Vim to my opinion. I develop mainly in python.
Exhaustive List of plugins I use here.
Among them:
- dein as the plugin manager.
- ALE asynchronous Lint engine.
- deoplete asynchronous auto-completion with deoplete-jedi for python completion.
- For the beauty: vim-bufferline, vim-airline, vim-airline-themes, vim-color-solarized, vim-surround, rainbow.
- denite.nvim instead of ctrlp.
- Notes:
- French keyboard remapped to match US motions (for which it was optimized), see here.
Best Desktop Manager Ever. Only problem: the portability of the configuration.
I used to like NixOs at the time docker weren't out there. However, now I'm on Manjaro, based on ArchLinux. I even managed to install League Of Legend (using wine) on my optimus laptop.
- Requires:
- python 3.6
- Neovim 0.2+ with python packages: neovim, flake8, black, isort, autopep8
> python --help
# Example:
> python bash neovim ipython