Linkr is a social network for sharing useful links, developed for sharing knowledge in several areas.
Features โข Pre-requisites โข Running the web application โข Tech Stack โข Deploy โข Contributors โข Author
- Login screen with authentication system that keeps the user connected even when closing the browser and reopening
- Timeline with all posts made
- Screen with posts and likes made by the user
- Responsive layout
- Timeline with post filtered by hashtag
- Clicking on the shared link snippet opens in a new tab
- Like functionality in a post
- Menu with the most posted hastags (trending)
- Field to search for a hashtag
- Viewing posts made by a user when clicking on your photo in a post
- Dynamic page loading with infinite scroll functionality
- Animations between the exchange of routes of the react-router-dom
- Buttons with functionality to delete or edit user's post
- Functionality to follow and unfollow a user
- Profile search box with debounce in the input
- Fron-end treatment of profile search results to sort the profiles followed as first results
- Addition of the youtube player in the posts with links to videos posted on youtube
- Adding functionality for adding user location to published posts
- Addition of a modal to display the user's location through the Google Maps API
Before you begin, you will need to have the following tools installed on your machine: [Git] (, [Node.js] ( In addition, it is good to have an editor to work with the code like [VSCode] (
# Clone this repository
$ git clone <>
# Access the project folder cmd/terminal
$ cd Linkr
# Install the dependencies
$ yarn install or $ npm install
# Run the application in development mode
$ yarn start or $ npm run dev:server
# The server will start at port: 3000 - go to http://localhost:3000
The following tools and frameworks were used in the construction of the project:
Version Control:
The application layout is available on Vercel:
Responde Aรญ | Rafa Mendes |
Made by Oliver Dettenborn and Thiago Ribeiro ๐๐ฝ Get in Touch!