Goober. is an online events organization service for small local communities. Goober supports users like pick-up sports players, acquaintances, meetup group organizers to create, share, and join upcoming events.
Run ./
to install node and mongodb automatically.
- Backend (NodeJS with Express, Facebook Passport for Auth)
Install node > 8.10.0.
(Recommended) Use nvm to install node, this installs the LTS version.
$ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev $ curl -sL -o $ bash $ source ~/.profile $ nvm install --lts
install nodemon
sudo npm install -g nodemon
Create a .env file in your root directory:
$ nvm use --lts $ export NODE_ENV=test $ export FACEBOOK_APP_ID='getyourown' $ export FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET='getyourown'
source .env
npm start
npm run server
runs the server headlessly (used for e2e tests)
- Frontend (React, React-Router, Webpack)
npm install
to install node_modules listed in package.jsoncd frontend
- (dev) run
$ npm run watch
- (prod) run
$ npm run build
- Run
npm install --save
to add new node_modules
- Database (MongoDB with Mongoose)
sudo service mongod start
Jest is the test framework for backend (unit tests, integration tests) WebdriverIO is used for frontend (end-to-end tests)
- Backend (Jest)
npm run test
- Environment Variable NODE_ENV is set to 'test' (NODE_ENV=test)
- Frontend (WebdriverIO, Chai)
cd frontend
npm run e2e
- Travis runs e2e tests with headless chrome, with two matrices in travis.yml