generic implementation of general adversarial networks in python
create a virtual environment and install package dependencies using the following code:
virtualenv .env --python python3.6
source .env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
if you would like to explore the MNIST linear GAN example as laid out in
the program is run via
included is a working example of deep convolutional GANs on the CIFAR10 dataset as laid out in
the program is run via
this software uses the tensorboard implementation for pytorch, tensorboardX, to visualize the different parameters involved in training. while the program is executing, you may visualize the progress / development via tensorboard by running the following code:
tensorboard --logdir runs
and navigating to localhost:6006
in your web browser.
this project is under development, and will become extensible to data types of various shapes + allow for model flexibility