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tobiasz.cudnik edited this page Sep 24, 2008 · 12 revisions

Selectors are the heart of jQuery-like interface. Most of CSS Level 3 syntax is implemented (in state same as in jQuery).

Table of Contents


Table of Contents

 * [#Basics Basics]
 * [#Hierarchy Hierarchy]
 * [#Basic_Filters Basic Filters]
 * [#Content_Filters Content Filters]
 * [#Visibility_Filters Visibility Filters]
 * [#Attribute_Filters Attribute Filters]
 * [#Child_Filters Child Filters]
 * [#Forms Forms]
 * [#Form_Filters Form Filters]


 * *[ #id]* Matches a single element with the given id attribute.
 * *[ element]* Matches all elements with the given name.
 * *[ .class]* Matches all elements with the given class.
 * *[ *]* Matches all elements.
 * *[ selector1, selector2, selectorN]* Matches the combined results of all the specified selectors.


 * *[ ancestor descendant]* Matches all descendant elements specified by "descendant" of elements specified by "ancestor".
 * *[ parent > child]* Matches all child elements specified by "child" of elements specified by "parent".
 * *[ prev + next]* Matches all next elements specified by "next" that are next to elements specified by "prev".
 * *[ prev ~ siblings]* Matches all sibling elements after the "prev" element that match the filtering "siblings" selector.

Basic Filters

 * *[ :first]* Matches the first selected element.
 * *[ :last]* Matches the last selected element.
 * *[ :not(selector)]* Filters out all elements matching the given selector.
 * *[ :even]* Matches even elements, zero-indexed.
 * *[ :odd]* Matches odd elements, zero-indexed.
 * *[ :eq(index)]* Matches a single element by its index.
 * *[ :gt(index)]* Matches all elements with an index above the given one.
 * *[ :lt(index)]* Matches all elements with an index below the given one.
 * *[ :header]* Matches all elements that are headers, like h1, h2, h3 and so on.
 * *[ :animated]* Matches all elements that are currently being animated.

Content Filters

 * *[ :contains(text)]* Matches elements which contain the given text.
 * *[ :empty]* Matches all elements that have no children (including text nodes).
 * *[ :has(selector)]* Matches elements which contain at least one element that matches the specified selector.
 * *[ :parent]* Matches all elements that are parents - they have child elements, including text.

Visibility Filters


Attribute Filters

 * *[ [attribute]]* Matches elements that have the specified attribute.
 * *[ [attribute=value]]* Matches elements that have the specified attribute with a certain value.
 * *[ [attribute!=value]]* Matches elements that don't have the specified attribute with a certain value.
 * *[ [attribute^=value]]* Matches elements that have the specified attribute and it starts with a certain value.
 * *[ [attribute$=value]]* Matches elements that have the specified attribute and it ends with a certain value.
 * *[ [attribute*=value]]* Matches elements that have the specified attribute and it contains a certain value.
 * *[ [selector1][selector2][selectorN]]* Matches elements that have the specified attribute and it contains a certain value.

Child Filters

 * *[ :nth-child(index/even/odd/equation)]* Matches all elements that are the nth-child of their parent or that are the parent's even or odd children.
 * *[ :first-child]* Matches all elements that are the first child of their parent.
 * *[ :last-child]* Matches all elements that are the last child of their parent.
 * *[ :only-child]* Matches all elements that are the only child of their parent.


 * *[ :input]* Matches all input, textarea, select and button elements.
 * *[ :text]* Matches all input elements of type text.
 * *[ :password]* Matches all input elements of type password.
 * *[ :radio]* Matches all input elements of type radio.
 * *[ :checkbox]* Matches all input elements of type checkbox.
 * *[ :submit]* Matches all input elements of type submit.
 * *[ :image]* Matches all input elements of type image.
 * *[ :reset]* Matches all input elements of type reset.
 * *[ :button]* Matches all button elements and input elements of type button.
 * *[ :file]* Matches all input elements of type file.
 * *[ :hidden]* Matches all elements that are hidden, or input elements of type "hidden".

Form Filters

 * *[ :enabled]* Matches all elements that are enabled.
 * *[ :disabled]* Matches all elements that are disabled.
 * *[ :checked]* Matches all elements that are checked.
 * *[ :selected]* Matches all elements that are selected.

Read more at Selectors section on jQuery Documentation Site.

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