A collection of Packer templates
Build and push every images
$ make
Build and push a specific image
$ packer build template.json
You can configure each template to match your requirements by setting the following user variables.
User Variable | Default Value | Description |
headless |
true | Build without running the hypervisor's GUI |
disk_size |
10240 | Hard disk size (in MB) |
memory |
512 | Memory size (in MB) |
cpus |
1 | The number of CPU cores |
image_name |
n/a | The name of the image that will be built/pushed |
image_version |
n/a | The version of the image that will be built/pushed |
bintray_user |
olbat | Bintray username |
bintray_api_key |
$BINTRAY_API_KEY | Bintray credentials |
Note: there may be other user variables depending on the template
Example: packer build --var headless=false template.json
Important: in order to make this images testable, the default SSH credentials are versioned in this repository.
Always rebuild the images with your SSH credentials (see config/) before using them in a production environment.
Thanks to kaorimatz and maier for their awesome work that made bootstraping this repository/templates a lot easier.