This library is Okta's multi-factor push authentication service that provides a way for you to implement MFA in your Android application.
Table of Contents
This library uses semantic versioning and follows Okta's Library Version Policy.
Version | Status |
1.1.0 | Stable |
The latest release can always be found on the releases page.
If you run into problems using the SDK, you can:
- Ask questions on the Okta Developer Forums
- Post issues here on GitHub (for code errors)
To use this SDK you will need to create a custom authenticator on your Okta service and provide your push notification credentials.
See Custom authenticator integration guide for more details.
- Kotlin Coroutines: The following sample code assumes that suspend functions are called in a coroutine scope. See Kotlin Coroutines for more information.
See the Push Sample App for a complete implementation.
Add the Okta Devices SDK dependency to your build.gradle file and enable Java 8+ API desugaring support:
compileOptions {
isCoreLibraryDesugaringEnabled = true
sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_17
targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_17
A complete integration requires your app to implement the following:
- Creation: Create the SDK object to work with your Okta authenticator configuration.
- Enrollment: Register a device and optional biometrics with an account for use with push MFA.
- Verification: Resolve an MFA challenge step for a sign-in attempt against an enrolled account, prompting the user to approve or reject it (with optional biometrics).
- Update: Refresh the FCM device registration token, remediate changed biometrics, deregister the account on the device.
Create the SDK object to work with your Okta authenticator configuration. Use the PushAuthenticatorBuilder to create an authenticator with your application configuration:
val applicationInstallationId = sharedPreferences.getString(appInstallIdSharedPref, null) ?: UUID.randomUUID().toString()
val authenticator: PushAuthenticator = PushAuthenticatorBuilder.create(
ApplicationConfig(context, appName = "MyApp", appVersion = BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME, applicationInstallationId)
) {
passphrase = encryptedSharedPreference.getString(passphraseKey, null)?.toByteArray() // Secret must be stored securely
If a passphrase isn't provided, then the Devices SDK data will not be encrypted. It is up to you to secure the passphrase. Please store your passphrase in a secure way: in the above example and sample app we use Android's EncryptedSharedPreferences class.
is used to prevent duplicate enrollments. This value must be a unique, see Android's best practices guide guide for unique identifiers
If encryption is enabled, add the following to your proguard configuration file:
-keep,includedescriptorclasses class net.sqlcipher.** { *; }
-keep,includedescriptorclasses interface net.sqlcipher.** { *; }
Once an authenticator and OIDC application has been created, you will also need a Firebase device registration token. After we have met all the requirements, you can start enrolling the user by doing the following:
val authConfig = DeviceAuthenticatorConfig(URL(orgUrl), "oidcClientId")
val result = authenticator.enroll(AuthToken.Bearer("accessToken"), authConfig, EnrollmentParameters.Push(FcmToken("registrationToken"), enableUserVerification = false, enableCiba = false))
if (result.isSuccess) {
val pushEnrollment: PushEnrollment = result.getOrThrow()
In order to retrieve information about existing enrollments, use allEnrollments()
. This can be used to display attributes for a list of accounts or find a specific account in order to update or
delete it.
val enrollments: List<PushEnrollment> = authenticator.allEnrollments().getOrThrow()
Whenever the FCM SDK sends your application a new token with FirebaseMessagingService.onNewToken, you can update existing enrollments with the new token by doing the following:
val enrollments: List<PushEnrollment> = authenticator.allEnrollments().getOrThrow()
// Find the enrollment associated with the current user
enrollments.find { it.user().name == "myUser" }?.let { pushEnrollment ->
pushEnrollment.updateRegistrationToken(AuthToken.Bearer("accessToken"), FcmToken("newToken"))
.onSuccess { println("success") }
.onFailure { println("failure") }
User verification is for checking that a user is the one claimed, this can be achieved by asking the user for biometrics. You can enable or disable user verification by doing the following:
val enrollments: List<PushEnrollment> = authenticator.allEnrollments().getOrThrow()
// Find the enrollment associated with the current user
enrollments.find { it.user().name == "myUser" }?.let { pushEnrollment ->
pushEnrollment.setUserVerification(AuthToken.Bearer("accessToken"), true)
.onSuccess { println("success") }
.onFailure { println("failure") }
Enable CIBA setting will allow the device to verify CIBA request. You can enable or disable CIBA by doing the following:
val enrollments: List<PushEnrollment> = authenticator.allEnrollments().getOrThrow()
// Find the enrollment associated with the current user
enrollments.find { it.user().name == "myUser" }?.let { pushEnrollment ->
pushEnrollment.enableCibaTransaction(AuthToken.Bearer("accessToken"), true)
.onSuccess { println("success") }
.onFailure { println("failure") }
Deleting an enrollment will unenroll push verification. This will result in the SDK deleting enrollment from the device when a successful response is received from the Okta server.
val enrollments: List<PushEnrollment> = authenticator.allEnrollments().getOrThrow()
// Find the enrollment associated with the current user and delete it
enrollments.find { it.user().name == "myUser" }?.let { pushEnrollment ->
authenticator.delete(AuthToken.Bearer("accessToken"), pushEnrollment)
.onSuccess { println("success") }
.onFailure { println("failure") }
The difference between calling deleteFromDevice
and delete
is that deleteFromDevice
does not make a server call to unenroll push verification. Therefore it does not require any authorization.
Use this with caution as the user will be unable to meet MFA requirements for any sign-in attempt.
val enrollments: List<PushEnrollment> = authenticator.allEnrollments().getOrThrow()
// Find the enrollment associated with the current user
enrollments.find { it.user().name == "myUser" }?.let { pushEnrollment ->
.onSuccess { println("success") }
.onFailure { println("failure") }
When a user attempts to sign in to the enrolled account (e.g. via an app or a web browser), Okta's backend will create a push challenge and send this challenge to enrolled devices via your push provider.
Sometimes Firebase messaging service fails to deliver a notification to the user, we can check the server to see if we have any pending challenges by doing the following:
val enrollments: List<PushEnrollment> = authenticator.allEnrollments().getOrThrow()
// Find the enrollment associated with the current user
enrollments.find { it.user().name == "myUser" }?.let { pushEnrollment ->
.onSuccess { println("success") }
.onFailure { println("failure") }
Once you have received a challenge via one of the channels above, your app should resolve
them in order to proceed with login. The SDK may request remediation steps to resolve the challenge.
Remediation steps are subclasses of the sealed class PushRemediation
, which allows us to use the when
statement to handle the remediation steps:
val fcmRemoteMessage = "PushChallengeString" // fcm challenge
val scope = CoroutineScope(Job() + Dispatchers.IO)
.onSuccess { challenge ->
challenge.resolve().onSuccess { remediation ->
scope.launch {
remediate(remediation) // call method to handle remediation
}.onFailure { println("failure") }
}.onFailure { println("failure") }
private suspend fun remediate(remediation: PushRemediation) = runCatching {
when (remediation) {
is CibaConsent -> handleCibaConsent(remediation) //See section on CibaConsent
is UserConsent -> handleUserConsent(remediation) // See section on UserConsent
is UserVerification -> handleUserVerification(remediation) // See section on UserVerification
is UserVerificationError -> handleUserVerificationError(remediation) // See section on UserVerificationError
is Completed -> handleCompleted(remediation) // See section on Completed
}.getOrElse { onError(it) }
private fun onError(throwable: Throwable) {
// handle error
graph TD
PushRemediation --> UserConsent
PushRemediation --> CibaConsent
PushRemediation --> UserVerification
PushRemediation --> UserVerificationError
PushRemediation --> Completed
CibaConsent --> |User approve or deny?|UserConsentAction{approve/deny}
UserConsent --> |User approve or deny?|UserConsentAction{approve/deny}
UserConsentAction --> |User approved| Completed
UserConsentAction --> |User denied| Completed
UserVerification --> |Resolved biometric or cancel?|UserVerificationAction{Resolve/Cancel}
UserVerificationAction --> |Resolve| Resolve
UserVerificationAction --> |Cancel| UserConsent
UserVerificationAction --> |Cancel| CibaConsent
Resolve --> Completed
Resolve --> UserVerificationError
UserVerificationError --> ResolveError[Resolve]
ResolveError --> |Corrected error|UserVerification
ResolveError --> |Unable to correct. Ask user consent instead?|ConsentOnFailure{True/False}
ConsentOnFailure --> |True|UserConsent
ConsentOnFailure --> |True|CibaConsent
ConsentOnFailure --> |False|Completed
For remediation steps that requires user confirmation, it is important to display the information from the PushChallenge
property in PushRemediation
. All of the challenge steps can call deny()
to reject the challenge, except the completed step.
Use to handle login request, display the challenge information and request the user to either accept or deny:
private suspend fun handleUserConsent(userConsent: UserConsent) = runCatching {
// Show the following information in a UX dialog and ask the user to accept or deny.
// Application name: ${userConsent?.challenge?.appInstanceName}")
// Location of sign in attempt: {userConsent?.challenge?.clientLocation}")
// OS used to sign in: ${userConsent?.challenge?.clientOs}")
// URL that initiated the sign in: ${userConsent?.challenge?.originUrl}
// Time of sign in attempt: ${userConsent?.challenge?.transactionTime}
// Call either userConsent.accept() or userConsent.deny() depending on user interaction
// if user accept the challenge
.onSuccess { remediate(it) }
.onFailure { onError(it) }
// if user denied the challenge
.onSuccess { remediate(it) }
.onFailure { onError(it) }
}.getOrElse { onError(it) }
Based on the diagram from [Remediation steps](#Remediation steps), the next possible step is Completed. See PushMessagingService for a complete example.
Similar to UserConsent, use to handle CIBA request display the binding message and request the user to either accept or deny:
private suspend fun handleCibaConsent(cibaConsent: CibaConsent) = runCatching {
// Show the following information in a UX dialog and ask the user to accept or deny.
// Binding message: ${cibaConsent?.bindingMessage}")
// Application name: ${userConsent?.challenge?.appInstanceName}")
// Location of sign in attempt: {userConsent?.challenge?.clientLocation}")
// OS used to sign in: ${userConsent?.challenge?.clientOs}")
// URL that initiated the sign in: ${userConsent?.challenge?.originUrl}
// Time of sign in attempt: ${userConsent?.challenge?.transactionTime}
// Call either cibaConsent.accept() or cibaConsent.deny() depending on user interaction
// if user accept the challenge
.onSuccess { remediate(it) }
.onFailure { onError(it) }
// if user denied the challenge
.onSuccess { remediate(it) }
.onFailure { onError(it) }
}.getOrElse { onError(it) }
Based on the diagram from [Remediation steps](#Remediation steps), the next possible step is Completed. See PushMessagingService for a complete example.
Display the challenge information and notify user that a biometric verification is required to proceed:
private suspend fun handleUserVerification(userVerification: UserVerification) = runCatching {
// Similar to UserConsent, show all the challenge information from userVerification.challenge
// You can either cancel the UserVerification or resolve with a authenticationResult from BiometricPrompt library
// If user provided biometric verification
.onSuccess { remediate(it) }
.onFailure { onError(it) }
// If user cancel the biometric prompt
.onSuccess { remediate(it) }
.onFailure { onError(it) }
}.getOrElse { onError(it) }
From the diagram Remediation steps, the next possible steps are UserConsent, UserVerificationError and Completed
UserVerificationError can happen if the biometric key is invalid. This can happen if the user removes the pin or add a new fingerprint:
private suspend fun handleUserVerificationError(userVerificationError: UserVerificationError) = runCatching {
// Inspect userVerificationError.securityError property to determine the correct action.
// If the error is UserVerificationFailed, this is caused by the user failing the biometric challenge.
// If the error is UserVerificationRequired, this is caused by missing biometric key. To fix this, you can ask
// the user to enroll with user verification. Once you are confident the user has corrected the issue, try again by calling resolve.
.onSuccess { remediate(it) }
.onFailure { onError(it) }
}.getOrElse { onError(it) }
From the diagram in Remediation steps, the next possible steps are UserConsent, UserVerification and Completed
The complete step contains information about a transaction that was completed successfully by the client. It does not mean that the user has successfully signed in.
private suspend fun handleCompleted(completed: Completed) {
// print the completed state.
println("If user verification was used ${completed.state.userVerificationUsed}")
println("Did user accept this challenge ${competed.state.accepted}")
println("Exceptions encountered. ${competed.state.throwable}")
The SDK communicates with an Okta server using the HTTPS protocol and requires an access token for user authentication and authorization. For authentication flows and access token requests, use the latest version of the Okta Kotlin mobile SDK. To enroll a push authenticator, the user needs to have an access token that contains the okta.myAccount.appAuthenticator.manage
scope. You can also use this scope for the following operations:
- Enroll and unenroll user verification keys
- Update device token for push authenticator enrollment
- Request pending push challenges
- Enable and disable CIBA capability for push authenticator enrollment
- Delete push authenticator enrollment
Note: Applications that use sensitive data shouldn't store or cache access tokens or refresh access tokens that contain the okta.myAccount.appAuthenticator.manage
scope. Instead, reauthenticate the user and get a new access token.
High risk operations include the following:
- Enroll push authenticator
- Enable or disable user verification for push authenticator enrollment
- Delete push authenticator enrollment
Other operations are low risk and may not require interactive authentication. For that reason, the Okta Push SDK implements the silent user reauthentication API retrieveMaintenanceToken
. By retrieving a maintenance access token, an application can silently perform the following operations:
- Request pending push challenges
- Enable and disable CIBA capability for the push authenticator enrollment
- Update device tokens for push authenticator enrollment
Usage example:
suspend fun retrievePushChallenges() {
val readScope = listOf("")
val enrollments = pushAuthenticator.allEnrollments().getOrThrow()
enrollments.forEach { enrollment ->
enrollment.retrieveMaintenanceToken(readScope).onSuccess {authToken ->
enrollment.retrievePushChallenges(authToken).onSuccess { challenges ->
println("Challenges retrieve: $challenges")
}.onFailure {error ->
}.onFailure { error ->
We are happy to accept contributions and PRs! Please see the contribution guide to understand how to structure a contribution.