released this
10 Nov 19:18
3097 commits
to master
since this release
[0.6.0] - 2020-10-02
- Toast: a transient messaging component
- Icons: Caution, Copy, Filter, and Error icons are now available
- Standalone Search: added a new Text Input variant for search UI
- Green-600: added as an a11y-compliant background color
- details/summary: styling and minor guidance for the HTML elements
- dl/dt/dd: styling and minor guidance for the HTML elements
- pre: styling and minor guidance for the HTML element
- Gray-900 updated to #1d1d21; all relevant variables/tokens updated
- Links no longer require an underline; new Gray-900 contrast allows for this
- Icons: the Complete icon has been updated to differentiate it from a plain check
- [Docs] Extraneous doc styles for deprecated samples have been removed