This is a code repository for a simple Blockchain application. Web 3.0 has the potential to change the internet as we know it, forever. You're still early in catching the trend right now and building your first blockchain cryptocurrency app then work with my Repo
Using Web 3.0 methodologies, Solidity and Metamask i created my first real Web 3.0 Application - from start to finish. Which allows me to send Crypto from an account to another account in the world from my code and also track the transaction on Etheruem Netwrok.
It have a stunning design, connected to the blockchain, metamask pairing, interaction with smart contracts, sending Ethereum through the blockchain network, writing solidity code, and much more, Krypt is the best #Web3 #Blockchain app that you can currently find on Yfor free and the entire internet.
Project created from a Tutorial i followed, done by & Enyel Sequeira: