a python attempt at pixel sorting and GIFs
# remember to make the out dir
mkdir out/
python pixelsort.py someimage.jpg
python pixelsort.py --help
# look in out/ for a bunch of frames
python pixelsort.py --animate --smooth --rotate --jitter 20 someface.png
# for a single image
open out/output_000.JPG
# for a GIF, use ImageMagick to animate and preview
# when ready, load the files in an image editor and create your GIF
# TIP: not all the frames need to be used in the final GIF
animate -delay 10 out/output_*.JPG
`--animate --smooth --rotate --jitter 1`
`--animate --smooth --rotate`
`--animate --smooth --jitter 1`
`--animate --smooth --rotate`
`--animate --num-chunks 7 --smooth --distortions 3`