This spring boot app exposes a REST API from an API Mobile website (http://${API_INSTANCE}
API mobile is a website available by the food company API.
This is a little project done during slack hours.
It is dedicated to hungry teams who often ask themselves "Should I go eat somewhere else?".
Your API instance is configurable through the VM options or the env variable: API_INSTANCE
A scheduled tasked can be configured to announce the day menu.
Configuration example for a TTS (Text To Speech) service and a slack:
enabled: true
cron: 0 0 11 * * 1-5 # announce made from monday to friday at 11am
# full configuration example
- url: http://localhost:8080/hello
times: 2 # announce repeated 2 times (default is 1)
sleep: 30000 # sleep time between two announces (default is null)
writerOptions: [] # options to change the menu output (defaults are [TITLE, DISH_PRICE])
textAttribute: msg # the attribute name used by your destination endpoint (default is 'text')
# optional map of attributes
volume: 100
lang: fr
# slack-like service
- url:{hookId}
writerOptions: [TITLE]
The announcers mechanism only supports the cron attribute, at the moment. |