DINO18Z Z.4. Git manual
The task is to briefly describe key Git commands (as a group).
- The answer should have the form of a one-file HTML
- All commands from the list below have to be included (description, use and exmple)
- The file should be gramatically correct
How to do it:
- Each student creates their own copy of the repository (fork)
- All changes are made in the student's copy (preferably in the branch per feature model)
- Next, the student sends a Pull Request to the original repository
The exercise is completed when a student:
- made a significant input to the manual (command descripton, manual modification, code review)
- & made their own repository (fork)
- & sent a Pull Request to the original repository
The list of commands to describe:
Group Monday 13.45
- git config --global user.name ""
- git reset HEAD
- gitk -all
- git branch --merged
- git branch "branch" "commit hash"
- git pull "remote" "branch"
Group Monday 15.30
- git config --global user.email ""
- git diff --staged
- git checkout -b "branch"
- git log --graph --all
- git branch -d "branch"
- git fetch "remote" "branch"
Group Friday 15.30
- git config --global color.ui true
- git commit "filename"
- git branch -v
- git push "remote" "branch"
- git log "branch" --not "branch"
- git bisect (start, bad, good, reset)