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174 lines (132 loc) · 8.78 KB

File metadata and controls

174 lines (132 loc) · 8.78 KB


VariantMerging is a workflow for combining variant calls from SNV analyses done with different callers (such as muTect2, strelka2). The workflow pre-processes input vcf files by removing non-canonical contigs, fixing fields and inferring missing values from available data. It combines calls, annotating them with caller-specific tags which allows identification of consensus variants. The workflow also uses GATK for producing merged results. In this case, all calls appear as-as. Essentially, this is a simple concatenation of the inputs.


The script used at this step performs the following tasks:

  • removes non-canonical contigs
  • adds GT and AD fields (dot or calculated based on NT, SGT, if available)
  • removes tool-specific header lines


vmerging flowchart




java -jar cromwell.jar run variantMerging.wdl --inputs inputs.json


Required workflow parameters:

Parameter Value Description
reference String Reference assmbly id, passed by the respective olive
inputVcfs Array[Pair[File,String]] Pairs of vcf files (SNV calls from different callers) and metadata string (producer of calls).
tumorName String Tumor id to use in vcf headers
outputFileNamePrefix String Output prefix to prefix output file names with.

Optional workflow parameters:

Parameter Value Default Description
normalName String? None Normal id to use in vcf headers, Optional

Optional task parameters:

Parameter Value Default Description
preprocessVcf.preprocessScript String "$VARMERGE_SCRIPTS_ROOT/bin/" path to preprocessing script
preprocessVcf.jobMemory Int 12 memory allocated to preprocessing, in gigabytes
preprocessVcf.timeout Int 10 timeout in hours
mergeVcfsAll.timeout Int 20 timeout in hours
mergeVcfsAll.jobMemory Int 12 Allocated memory, in GB
combineVariantsAll.combiningScript String "$VARMERGE_SCRIPTS_ROOT/bin/" Path to combining script
combineVariantsAll.jobMemory Int 12 memory allocated to preprocessing, in GB
combineVariantsAll.timeout Int 20 timeout in hours
ensembleVariantsAll.ensembleProgram String "$BCBIO_VARIATION_RECALL_ROOT/bin/bcbio-variation-recall" Path to ensemble program
ensembleVariantsAll.additionalParameters String? None Optional additional parameters for ensemble program
ensembleVariantsAll.jobMemory Int 12 memory allocated to preprocessing, in GB
ensembleVariantsAll.timeout Int 20 timeout in hours
mergeVcfsPass.timeout Int 20 timeout in hours
mergeVcfsPass.jobMemory Int 12 Allocated memory, in GB
combineVariantsPass.combiningScript String "$VARMERGE_SCRIPTS_ROOT/bin/" Path to combining script
combineVariantsPass.jobMemory Int 12 memory allocated to preprocessing, in GB
combineVariantsPass.timeout Int 20 timeout in hours
ensembleVariantsPass.ensembleProgram String "$BCBIO_VARIATION_RECALL_ROOT/bin/bcbio-variation-recall" Path to ensemble program
ensembleVariantsPass.additionalParameters String? None Optional additional parameters for ensemble program
ensembleVariantsPass.jobMemory Int 12 memory allocated to preprocessing, in GB
ensembleVariantsPass.timeout Int 20 timeout in hours
postprocessMerged.postprocessScript String "$VARMERGE_SCRIPTS_ROOT/bin/" path to postprocessing script, this is the same script we use for pre-processing
postprocessMerged.jobMemory Int 12 memory allocated to preprocessing, in gigabytes
postprocessMerged.timeout Int 10 timeout in hours
postprocessCombined.postprocessScript String "$VARMERGE_SCRIPTS_ROOT/bin/" path to postprocessing script, this is the same script we use for pre-processing
postprocessCombined.jobMemory Int 12 memory allocated to preprocessing, in gigabytes
postprocessCombined.timeout Int 10 timeout in hours
postprocessEnsembled.postprocessScript String "$VARMERGE_SCRIPTS_ROOT/bin/" path to postprocessing script, this is the same script we use for pre-processing
postprocessEnsembled.jobMemory Int 12 memory allocated to preprocessing, in gigabytes
postprocessEnsembled.timeout Int 10 timeout in hours
postprocessMergedPass.postprocessScript String "$VARMERGE_SCRIPTS_ROOT/bin/" path to postprocessing script, this is the same script we use for pre-processing
postprocessMergedPass.jobMemory Int 12 memory allocated to preprocessing, in gigabytes
postprocessMergedPass.timeout Int 10 timeout in hours
postprocessCombinedPass.postprocessScript String "$VARMERGE_SCRIPTS_ROOT/bin/" path to postprocessing script, this is the same script we use for pre-processing
postprocessCombinedPass.jobMemory Int 12 memory allocated to preprocessing, in gigabytes
postprocessCombinedPass.timeout Int 10 timeout in hours
postprocessEnsembledPass.postprocessScript String "$VARMERGE_SCRIPTS_ROOT/bin/" path to postprocessing script, this is the same script we use for pre-processing
postprocessEnsembledPass.jobMemory Int 12 memory allocated to preprocessing, in gigabytes
postprocessEnsembledPass.timeout Int 10 timeout in hours


Output Type Description Labels
mergedVcf File vcf file containing all variant calls vidarr_label: mergedVcf
mergedIndex File tabix index of the vcf file containing all variant calls vidarr_label: mergedIndex
combinedVcf File combined vcf file containing all variant calls vidarr_label: combinedVcf
combinedIndex File index of combined vcf file containing all variant calls vidarr_label: combinedIndex
ensembledVcf File endembled vcf file containing all variant calls vidarr_label: ensembledVcf
ensembledIndex File index of ensembled vcf file containing all variant calls vidarr_label: ensembledIndex
mergedPassVcf File vcf file containing merged PASS calls vidarr_label: mergedPassVcf
mergedPassIndex File tabix index of the vcf file containing merged PASS calls vidarr_label: mergedPassIndex
combinedPassVcf File combined vcf file containing combined PASS calls vidarr_label: combinedPassVcf
combinedPassIndex File index of combined vcf file containing PASS calls vidarr_label: combinedPassIndex
ensembledPassVcf File endembled vcf file containing PASS calls vidarr_label: ensembledPassVcf
ensembledPassIndex File index of ensembled vcf file containing PASS calls vidarr_label: ensembledPassIndex


This section lists command(s) run by variantMerging workflow


Detect NORMAL/TUMOR swap, impute missing fields (i.e. in case of such callers as strelka) A vetting script makes sure we have matching formats used across vcf, in addition making separate vcf files with only PASS calls

  set -euxo pipefail
  python3 ~{preprocessScript} ~{vcfFile} -o ~{basename(vcfFile, '.vcf.gz')}_tmp.vcf -r ~{referenceId} 
  bgzip -c ~{basename(vcfFile, '.vcf.gz')}_tmp.vcf > ~{basename(vcfFile, '.vcf.gz')}_processed.vcf.gz
  bcftools view -f "PASS" ~{basename(vcfFile, '.vcf.gz')}_processed.vcf.gz | bgzip -c > ~{basename(vcfFile, '.vcf.gz')}_processed_pass.vcf.gz

Merge variants with GATK (picard)

  gatk MergeVcfs -I ~{sep=" -I " inputVcfs} -O ~{outputPrefix}_mergedVcfs.vcf.gz

Customized combining of the variants

This step is custom-scripted and the produced vcf has variants annotated in a very detailed way

   set -euxo pipefail 
   python3 <<CODE
   import sys
   v = "~{sep=' ' inputVcfs}"
   vcfFiles = v.split()
   with open("vcf_list", 'w') as l:
       for v in vcfFiles:
           l.write(v + "\n")
   python3 COMBINING_SCRIPT vcf_list -c OUTPUT_PREFIX_tmp.vcf -n ~{sep=',' inputNames}
   gatk SortVcf -I OUTPUT_PREFIX_tmp.vcf -R REFERENCE_FASTA -O OUTPUT_PREFIX_combined.vcf.gz

Ensemble vcfs (combine calls using bcbio approach)

   ~{ensembleProgram} ensemble ~{outputPrefix}_ensembled.vcf.gz ~{referenceFasta} --names ~{sep=',' inputNames} ~{additionalParameters} ~{sep=' ' inputVcfs}


  set -euxo pipefail
  python3 ~{postprocessScript} ~{vcfFile} -o ~{basename(vcfFile, '.vcf.gz')}_tmp.vcf -r ~{referenceId} -t ~{tumorName} ~{"-n " + normalName}
  bgzip -c ~{basename(vcfFile, '.vcf.gz')}_tmp.vcf > ~{basename(vcfFile, '.vcf.gz')}.vcf.gz
  tabix -p vcf ~{basename(vcfFile, '.vcf.gz')}.vcf.gz


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