The Flappynaughters, Jennifer and Letsy, were inspired to tackle a space-themed project after finding out that they both loved space. As a matter of fact, VenusHacks's theme was what persuaded them to join the Hackaton. After brainstorming through different project possibilities, the Flappynaughters decided to create a project inspired by FlappyBird, with a space-themed twist.
The gameplay is similar to FlappyBird. The player is an astronaut that floats up and down to avoid planet obstacles. After collecting 5 laptops, the player must fight against the Alien of the Patriarchy, who does nothing but say hurtful, mean, spiteful women stereotypes. It is up to you to put a STOP to his evil antics.
Through blood, sweat, and tears via PyGame.
The main challenge we ran into was the objects' hitboxes. The astronaut kept crashing into planets and causing a game over way too early.
The Flappynaughters added more to the game than they originally thought. This includes collectible laptops, a final boss theme, and an inspirational message.
We gained game development experience from PyGame after coming in with no knowledge.
Flappynaught will continue expanding by adding more levels, customization options, multiplayer, and bug fixes.