Code for the Eager Translation Model from the paper You May Not Need Attention by Ofir Press and Noah A. Smith.
The following python packages are required:
- pytorch 0.4
- sacreBLEU
- mosestokenizer
In addition, fast_align is needed to compute alignments.
This code requires Python 3.6+
- Download the dataset you'd like to use. For this example we'll use Sockeye Autopilot to download the WMT 2014 EN->DE dataset.
sockeye-autopilot --task wmt14_en_de --model none
- Enter the directory containing the bye-pair encoded (BPE) version of the data:
cd ./sockeye_autopilot/systems/wmt14_en_de/data/bpe
- Unzip everything
gunzip *
- Shuffle the tranining data
paste -d '|' train.src train.trg | shuf | awk -v FS='|' '{ print $1 > "train.shuf.src" ; print $2 > "train.shuf.trg" }'
- Combine the source and target training data into one file
paste -d ' ||| ' train.shuf.src - - - - train.shuf.trg < /dev/null > combined_srctrg
- Use fast_align to find the aligments of the training sentence pairs
./fast_align -i ~/sockeye_autopilot/systems/wmt14_en_de/data/bpe/combined_srctrg -d -o -v > forward.align_ende
- Run our script for making the training data Eager Feasible:
python --align forward.align_ende --trg ~/sockeye_autopilot/systems/wmt14_en_de/data/bpe/to_train/train.shuf.trg --src ~/sockeye_autopilot/systems/wmt14_en_de/data/bpe/to_train/train.shuf.src --left_pad 4 --directory ~/corpus/WMTENDE/4pad/
Make sure the directory given for the --directory argument actually exists! The --left_pad argument specifies how many initial padding tokens should be inserted into the training dataset.
Note: The add_epsilons script may encounter sentence pairs which fast_align could not find an alignment for. If so, it will delete those lines from the training set. It will then ask you to re-run the script (with the same arguments) in order to finish the process.
Use the following command to train:
python --data ~/corpus/WMTENDE/4pad/ --save ~/exps/ --wdrop 0 --dropout 0.1 --dropouti 0.15 --dropouth 0.1 --dropoutcomb 0.1 --nlayer 4 --epochs 25 --bptt 60 --nhid 1000 --emsize 1000 --batch_size 200 --start_decaying_lr_step 200000 --update_interval 6500
These were the hyperparams used to train the models presented in the paper.
--save specifies where to store the model checkpoints
--nhid is the size of the LSTM
--emsize is double the word embedding size, and must be equivalent to --nhid
Once you have a trained model, you can use it to translate a document containing sentences in the source language.
python --checkpoint ~/exps/20181012-022002/ --data ~/corpus/WMTENDE/4pad/ --src_path ~/sockeye_autopilot/systems/wmt14_en_de/data/bpe/dev.src --beam_size 5 --eval --target_translation ~/sockeye_autopilot/systems/wmt14_en_de/data/raw/dev.trg --epsilon_limit 3 --src_epsilon_injection 4 --start_pads 5 --language de --save_dir ./output/
This will translate the file found in --src_path , and will save the output in the --save_dir directory. In addition, it will compute the BLEU score.
If you found this code useful, please cite the following paper:
title={You May Not Need Attention},
author={Press, Ofir and Smith, Noah A},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.13409},
This repository is based on the code from the AWD-LSTM language model.