This is personally nixos configuration built using the home manager and flake.
git clone
I built the nixos using flake, nixos rebuild and home manager with the following command.
## First, build the nixos.
sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake ~/dotfiles/#default
## Next, install the package using the home manager.
home-manager switch -f ~/dotfiles/home.nix
The following package is installed:
- yazi
- ffmpegthumbnailer
- unar
- jq
- poppler
- fd
- ripgrep
- fzf
- zoxide
- youtube-music
- youtube-dl
- turso-cli
- google-chrome
- tor-browser
- brave
- rustup
- lua
- zig
- python3
- nodejs_20
- deno
- nodePackages_latest.yarn
- nodePackages_latest.pnpm
- node2nix
- lazygit
- fira-code-nerdfont
- git
- gh
- act
- unzip
- curl
- unzip
- wget
- xclip
- tree
- openssl