Shorthand for OTEL instrumentation initialization.
go get
type instruments struct{
Counter64 em.I64Counter `id:"my_counter"`
UpDownCounter64 em.I64Counter `id:"my_updown_counter"`
GaugeF64 em.F64Gauge `id:"my_gauge"`
// Histograms can use the 'buckets' tag to define explicit boundaries.
HistogramF64 em.F64Histogram `id:"i_am_a_histogram" buckets:"1.0,2.0,3.0"`
// ...
func main(){
// Setup receives the application identifier and optional attributes.
// It creates a basic OTEL setup to help you get started quickly.
// For more advanced configurations (exporters, resources, etc.), use SetupWithMeter.
err := em.Setup("my-app", attribute.String("some", "attr"))
if err != nil {
// ...
// Initialize your instruments.
// There's also a MustInit function, which will panic if initialization fails.
i, err := em.Init[instruments]()
if err != nil {
// Record your measurements
i.Counter64.Add(1, em.Attrs(attribute.String("some", "attr")))
// Serve your metrics.
if err = http.ListenAndServe(":8080", promhttp.Handler()); err != nil {
id [required]
: The instrument identifier.buckets [optional]
: Defines bucket boundaries for histograms.
attrs [optional]
: Comma-separated string attributes to identify specific instruments sets.
The following example demonstrates how nested and embedded structs are supported:
type Embedded struct {
Histogram em.I64Histogram `id:"example_embedded_histogram"`
UpDownCounter em.F64UpDownCounter `id:"example_embedded_updowncounter"`
type nested struct {
Counter em.F64Counter `id:"example_nested_counter"`
Gauge em.F64Gauge `id:"example_nested_gauge"`
MoreNest struct {
Counter em.F64Counter `id:"example_more_nested_counter"`
type samplers struct {
// Nested and embedded structs (and struct pointers) are supported.
// Instruments in these structs inherit attributes both from the parent struct
// initialization and through the 'attrs' tag.
*Embedded `attrs:"sub,embedded"`
Nested nested `attrs:"sub,nested"`