Odyssey 2019 - Inclusive Banking
What's our entry?
Introducing the paywith.glass public REST API including
paywith.glass API Documentation with examples
paywith.glass example mobile application interaction via new API calls
The paywith.glass team objectives for the Odyssey 2019 Hackathon are:
- The definition of the first Public REST API for the paywith.glass platform (v0.1)
- The release of the initial documentation for this API
- An example of the API in use via a demonstration of how a mobile application can make use of this API to communicate with the platform.
paywith.glass uses a simple http REST API whereby calls go to the following address on port 443 (https): https://txn.paywith.glass
All calls must be seeded with the following php POST/GET headers:
eg - https://txn.paywith.glass/api/v1/register/submit
All calls must include identification of:
1. The vendor via a unique domain name "$VENDOR_DOMAIN_NAME" (default is paywith.glass/smdwireless.com)
2. The country code of the vendor under which the account falls "$VENDOR_COUNTRY_ID" (default is uk-uk,+00/amsterdam-nl,+02)
3. The user account that is accessing the service under that vendor identified by PHP Session ID "$USER_ID_HASH".
User identification will be achieved via our looking.glass authentication infrastructure which defines these rules in way that has already been standardized across our entire ecosystem.
looking.glass authentication relies on the user's php session id. If a user connects to the service with session ID that is recognized as being owned by a guest user, the default action returns the looking.glass login form.
Failure to present recognizable inputs for any of the prefix parameters result in a 301 redirection to https://paywith.glass
Country name Vendor Country ID
Antigua & Barbuda antigua-ag,-04
Australia sidney-au,+10
Barbados barbados-bb,-04
Belgium brussels-be,+02
Belize belize-bz,-06
Canada toronto-ca,-04
Dominica dominica-dm,-04
France paris-fr,+01
Germany berlin-de,+02
Ghana accra-gh,+00
Grenada grenada-gd,-04
Guyana guyana-gy,-04
Ireland ireland-ie,+00
Jamaica jamaica-jm,-05
New Zealand auckland-nz,+12
Nigeria lagos-ng,+01
South Africa johannesburg-za,+02
Spain madrid-es,+02
St. Vincent & the Grenadines stvincent-vc,-04
St. Lucia stlucia-lc,-04
St. Kitts & Nevis stkitts-kn,-04
Taiwan taipei-tw,+08
The Netherlands amsterdam-nl,+02
Trinidad & Tobago trinidad-tt,-04
United Kingdom uk-uk,+00
/fetchregistrationform - Accepts Boolean header flag for ToS.
1 = Accepted ToS which fetches looking.glass registration form matching vendor country
2 = Not yet accepted ToS which fetches looking.glass ToS form matching vendor country
ToS form may optionally contain vendor-specific clauses
/submitregistrationform - Accepts the following variables
-email address
-Boolean flag for 'allow other users to email me'
-password hash
-registration visual verification code
/signin - Accepts the following variables
-password hash
---These endpoints require that the user is first authenticated---
[WALLET ROOT INTERFACE ENDPOINTS - Require that the user is first authenticated]
/fetchwalletdashboard - Fetches wallet dashboard.
-If wallet is unititialized, returns default wallet view with limited options
-If wallet is initialized, returns current balances, total balance
/fetchdepositmenu - Fetches menu options for deposit actions
(for example this replaces the current POST call:
with this:
/fetchpaymentmenu - Fetches menu options for payments and remittance actions
/fetchwithdrawaloptions - Fetches menu options for withdrawal actions
/fetchtransactionhistory - Fetches transaction history list for authenticated user
/fetchwalletsettings - Fetches paywith.glass wallet settings menu
/fetchwalletcart - Fetches current active shopping cart for authenticated user
[DEPOSIT MENU ENDPOINTS - Require that the user is first authenticated]
[PAYMENTS MENU ENDPOINTS - Require that the user is first authenticated]
[WITHDRAWAL MEUN ENDPOINTS - Require that the user is first authenticated]
[TRANSACTION HISTORY MENU ENDPOINTS - Require that the user is first authenticated]
[WALLET SETTINGS MENU ENDPOINTS - Require that the user is first authenticated]
[WALLET CART MENU ENDPOINTS - Require that the user is first authenticated]
$USER_ID_HASH = false;
foreach (getallheaders() as $headerkey => $headervalue) {
if ($headerkey == 'v') {
$VENDOR_DOMAIN_NAME = $headervalue;
elseif ($headerkey == 'cc') {
$VENDOR_COUNTRY_ID = $headervalue;
elseif ($headerkey == 'o') {
$USER_ID_HASH = $headervalue;
// Look up $VENDOR_DOMAIN_NAME and $VENDOR_COUNTRY_ID in db to determine the include file that should be loaded
// If these are non-existent then bye-bye:
// header("Location: https://paywith.glass");
// die();
// If they check out, then proceed:
// Check if the user is logged in or not.
// If logged in, present mobile application template from appropriate country then fetch requested data.
// If not logged in, fetch login-page for the matched region.
else {
header("Location: https://paywith.glass");
Define list of endpoints and supported operations
Implement call / business logic of rest service to core system
Look into swagger php docs?
Start with vendordomainname, vendorcountryid and useridhash as Q params but if theres time look into moving those as header parameters to get a cleaner API.
Setup jenkins - DONE
Replace the deep level node.js functions which call the Stellar node with php functions that solve the existing issues
Build the API end-point bridge under the https://txn.paywith.glass domain
Complete the build and new API integration of the front end demo application based on the wireframes
Integrate the front-end into the demo application framework
10.Clean up demo applicaton framework text and load sequence to work for Odyssey
11.Finish presentation and prepare to pitch