Mid Atlantic Student ACM Chapter Colloquium
- Links redirect to respective ACM clubs
Christopher Newport University | Hampton University | Old Dominion University | Virginia Commonwealth University |
- number of people expected to attend? less than 200
- speaker curation, speaker hospitality, sponsorships, design, budget, volunteers, content, PR/social, production, ticketing, legal --> these all need to be assigned to someone to overview
- Budget
- Catering
- Registration
- Speakers
- Sponsors
- Local
- National
- Promotion
- Logo
- Social Media
- Venue
- Website
- Conference Guide - Guidebook
- Registration - Eventbrite
- Lanyards - Conference Badge
- ideal to get at least one speaker from each ACM chapter
- preferably should focus on modern technologies used in industry
- xTuple
- Dominion Enterprises
- InMotion Hosting
- Grow
- Sway
- Code for Hampton Roads
- ThreatSim
- National
- GitHub
- Amazon
- Microsoft
- Pluralsight
- WintellectNow
- Bocoup
- SendGrid
- Adobe
- Heroku
- CustomInk
- JetBrains
- Lanyrd
- speakers should register at Lanyrd
- conference should be promoted through Lanyrd
- need twitter profile
- should promote through Meetup.com
- Twitter Wall displaying at conference
- speakers should publish slides to SpeakerDeck, Slideshare, or Google Slides before the conference in order to share it later
- Richmond, VA
- website will be hosted in this GitHub repo using a theme bought from Themeforest
- GitHub hosting
- custom domain name that will also have to be bought
- potential themes
- DevSummit Theme
- Zeppelin Theme
- or just have an "Event Page" that works with MailChimp and Eventbrite - Conferize or Eventjoy