A ext like live sass compiler but a stylus ver.
- Live Stylus Compile.
- Use with Stylus 's JS API!
- Customizable file location of exported CSS.
- Customizable extension name (.css or .wxss).
- Quick Status bar control.
- Exclude Specific Folders by settings.
- Live Reload to browser (Dependency on Live Server extension).
- Autoprefix Supported (See setting section)
You can create a file name .liveStylusConfig.js in root path that export a fn like:
const set = (stylus) => {
stylus.define("odex", "red");
module.exports = {
And the fn will be used in
const config = await this.getCustomConfig();
const str = fs.readFileSync(stylusPath, "utf8");
const instance = Stylus(str);
if (config?.set) {
Tip: More JS API of Stylus can see in [https://github.com/stylus/stylus/blob/dev/docs/js.md]
This extension contributes the following settings:
:[{extensionName: '.wxss', savePath: null}]
Find more in settings.
- feat: log error message ...