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Adapter for Radiooooo private API.

For music exploration purposes only 🧐


It turned out that 95% of all functionality doesn't even require an account (I'm not even talking about premium one), so here we go.


Install the gem and add to Gemfile:

bundle add radio5

Or install it manually:

gem install radio5


Create a client:

client =

You can pass additional HTTP configration if needed:

client =
  open_timeout: 30, # default: 10
  read_timeout: 30, # default: 10
  write_timeout: 30, # default: 10
  proxy_url: "http://user:[email protected]:80", # default: nil
  max_retries: 5, # for network errors, default: 3
  debug_output: $stdout # default: nil


To get random track:

# => {
#   id: "655f7bb24b0d722a021a2cf2",
#   uuid: <uuid>,
#   artist: "Kaye Ballard",
#   title: "In Other Words (Fly Me to the Moon)",
#   album: "In Other Words / Lazy Afternoon",
#   year: "1954",
#   label: "Decca",
#   songwriter: "Bart Howard",
#   length: 133,
#   info: "It is the original recording of Fly me to the moon !",
#   cover_url: {
#     thumb: "<uuid>_1.jpg",
#     small: "<uuid>_1.jpg",
#     medium: "<uuid>_1.jpg",
#     large: "<uuid>_1.jpg",
#   },
#   audio: {
#     mpeg: {
#       url: "<uuid>.mp3?token=<token>&expires=1704717060",
#       expires_at: 2024-01-08 12:31:00 UTC
#     },
#     ogg: {
#       url: "<uuid>.ogg?token=<token>&expires=1704717060",
#       expires_at: 2024-01-08 12:31:00 UTC
#     }
#   },
#   decade: 1950,
#   mood: :slow,
#   country: "USA",
#   like_count: 3,
#   created_at: nil,
#   created_by: "655ec7fce03fdc024c70f698"
# }
#   - `created_at` - always nil here (API limitations), available via `#track` if needed
#   - `created_by` - `id` of user who uploaded this track

To get random track using additional filters:

# with country
client.random_track(country: "FRA")

# with decade(s)
client.random_track(decades: [1960, 2000])

# with mood(s)
client.random_track(moods: [:slow, :weird])

# with everything together
client.random_track(country: "SWE", decades: [1940, 1980, 2010], moods: [:slow, :fast])

# in case no tracks match the filters
client.random_track(country: "KN1", decades: [1940], moods: [:weird])
# => nil

To get information about specific track using its id:

# => {
#   ...
#   created_at: 2023-11-23 16:20:02.283 UTC
# }
# output is exactly the same as from `#random_track`, but `created_at` is now filled

Countries / decades / moods

OK, what input parameters are available?

# countries
# => {
#   "AFG" => {name: "Afganistan", exist: true, rank: nil},
#   "CBE" => {name: "Belgian Congo", exist: false, rank: nil},
#   "FRA" => {name: "France", exist: true, rank: 2},
#   ...
# }
#   - `exist` - "is it still around" flag
#   - `rank`  - subjective ranking provided by the website, only 10 countries have it

# decades
# => [1900, 1910, 1920, ..., 2010, 2020]

# moods
# => [:fast, :slow, :weird]
# NOTE: all 3 moods are used in `#random_track` and `#island_track` by default

It's also possible to get all valid country/ moods combinations for specific decade in advance:

# grouped by country
# => {
#   "THA" => [:fast, :slow, :weird],
#   "TWN" => [:fast, :slow, :weird],
#   "EST" => [:fast, :slow],
#   "ALB" => [:fast, :slow],
#   "NZL" => [:fast, :slow],
#   ...
# }

# grouped by mood
client.countries_for_decade(1960, group_by: :mood)
# => {
#   slow: ["FRA", "THA", "ALB", "GRC", "IRL", ...],
#   fast: ["THA", "TWN", "EST", "ALB", "NZL", ...],
#   weird: ["AZE", "POL", "IRN", "YUG", "DAH", ...]
# }


Islands work as a kind of thematic collections.

To get a list of all islands:

# => [{
#   id: "5d330a3e06fb03d8872a3316",
#   uuid: <uuid>,
#   api_id: <api_id>,
#   name: "Intimacy",
#   info: "To get Laid. Slow to start. Fast to go further. Weird when nothing works.",
#   category: "thematic",
#   favourite_count: 1,
#   play_count: 783339,
#   rank: 17,
#   icon_url: "<uuid>_2.svg",
#   splash_url: "<uuid>_13.svg",
#   marker_url: "<uuid>_9.svg",
#   enabled: true,
#   free: false,
#   on_map: false,
#   random: false,
#   play_mode: "RANDOM",
#   created_at: 2016-02-12 16:31:00 UTC,
#   created_by: "5d3306de06fb03d8871fd119",
#   updated_at: 2023-02-17 15:54:09.806 UTC,
#   updated_by: "5d3306de06fb03d8871fd119"
# }, ...]
#   - `api_id`     - have no idea where it is used
#   - `rank`       - 1..160, not unique, can be nil
#   - `enabled`    - is it searchable via web app, doesn't matter in our case ^^
#   - `free`       - do you need premium account to listen to it, doesn't matter ^^
#   - `on_map`     - is it displayed on a global map currently
#   - `random`     - there is only one playlist with `true` and it's called "Shuffle";
#                    basically the same as `#random_track` with no filters
#   - `play_mode`  - it is somehow used in a web app
#   - `created_by` - `id` of user who created this island
#   - `updated_by` - ...and who updated it last time

To get random track from selected island:

client.island_track(island_id: "5d330a3e06fb03d8872a3316")

# it's also possible to specify moods
client.island_track(island_id: "5d330a3e06fb03d8872a3316", moods: [:fast, :weird])


To get information about specific user using its id:

# => {
#   id: "5d3306de06fb03d8871fd138",
#   uuid: <uuid>,
#   name: "Paul Charmant-Kabil",
#   info: "Dreamseeker",
#   country: "FRA",
#   rank: 9188,
#   image_url: {
#     icon: "<uuid>_3.jpg",
#     thumb: "<uuid>_3.jpg",
#     small: "<uuid>_3.jpg",
#     medium: "<uuid>_3.jpg",
#     large: "<uuid>_3.jpg"
#   },
#   birthday: {
#     time: 1981-01-31 23:01:01 UTC,
#     year_normalized: 1981
#   },
#   created_at: 2014-09-30 18:58:32 UTC
# }
#   - `rank` - is not unique
#   - `birthday`:
#      - `time` - original time from API, it is always around the first/last day of January
#                 or the first/last day of December, with a strange hour offset around
#                 midnight, so it looks like the only real value here is the year
#      - `year_normalized` - de-offset'ed year

To get user followers or followings counts:

# => {
#   followings: 17,
#   followers: 866
# }

To get list of user followers:

# all followers will be returned by default
# => [{
#   id: "5f8f175051430765bd5c1b08",
#   name: "Philart",
#   country: "FRA",
#   rank: 25,
#   image_url: {
#     icon: "<uuid>_1.jpg",
#     thumb: "<uuid>_1.jpg",
#     small: "<uuid>_1.jpg",
#     medium: "<uuid>_1.jpg",
#     large: "<uuid>_1.jpg"
#   },
#   created_at: 2020-10-20 16:58:56.819 UTC
# }, ...]

# it's also possible to specify size/page
client.user_followers("5d3306de06fb03d8871fd138", size: 1, page: 5)
# => [{...}]

To get list of user followings:

# all followings will be returned by default
# => [{
#   id: "640ab0cebf47667afdbf9edb",
#   name: "Cap Jones",
#   country: "USA",
#   rank: 5,
#   image_url: {
#     icon: "<uuid>_1.jpg",
#     thumb: "<uuid>_1.jpg",
#     small: "<uuid>_1.jpg",
#     medium: "<uuid>_1.jpg",
#     large: "<uuid>_1.jpg"
#   },
#   created_at: 2023-03-10 04:23:42.87 UTC
# }, ...]

# it's also possible to specify size/page
client.user_followings("5d3306de06fb03d8871fd138", size: 1, page: 5)
# => [{...}]


You can find examples of usage here.


There is just a couple of features that require login (free or premium account):

  • #track_history - list of tracks you "listened" via #random_track or #island_track (free)
  • user[:followed] flag - indicates whether or not you follow this user (free)
  • #user_liked_tracks - list of tracks which user really vibed to (free)
  • ability to use multiple countries as a filter in #random_track (premium)

Currently auth is in a WIP state.


  • HTTP client (no external deps, net/http hardcore only)
  • Basic API client (no auth)
  • Countries support
  • Islands support
  • Tracks support
  • Users support
  • Auth + auth'ed endpoints


bin/setup         # install deps
bin/console       # interactive prompt to play around
rake spec         # run tests!
rake spec:no_vcr  # run tests with VCR cassettes disabled!
rake rubocop      # lint code!
rake rubocop:md   # lint docs!
sudo rm -rf /     # just kidding ^^


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


Adapter for Radiooooo private API








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