Sign your document (PDF, JPG...) using image or cryptography (PAdES, CAdES, XAdES).
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- Simple, straightforward interface (no technical details unless you want them).
- Ability to sign and verify document signatures.
- Sign a PDF using image signature - picked from the computer or drawn in the application.
- Sign any file using the cryptography within the EU - using, depending on the country, for example, your eID.
- Localized in several languages and open to new translations.
- Open for extension with new signature types (Backends).
- Available on all three major desktop platforms - Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Backends are what is doing the actual document manipulation and what is displayed as a choosable signature type in the upper part of the application. They are simple CLI applications that are communicating with the Electron application via STDIO. If you are interested in how this works, check the Backend specification. If you would like to create your own backend (it's quite simple to start!), check out the How to create backend guide.
Currently available backends (signature types):
- DSS backend - Useful for people living within EEA - uses Digital Signature Service from the EU.
- Image backend - Places image signature on the PDF - either drawn or picked from the computer.
- ... do you want to write your own backend? Check How to create backend guide.
Clone this repository including submodules: git clone --recurse-submodules
Then, assuming you have the latest LTS version of Node.js with npm installed, you just have to install the dependencies, run build, and start the application:
npm install
npm run build:backends -- --skip-failed
npm run build
npm start
Backends that couldn't be built will be skipped. This helps getting the app up and running even if all backend-specific toolsets are not available (like JDK or Go). Those backends won't be available so you can fix your local ENV looking at the logged errors if you want.
You are more than welcome to submit your proposed changes. Please try to match the codestyle of the existing code, include automated tests and make sure your build passes.
- Faculty of Science, P. J. Safarik University - see my thesis.
- Peter Vnuk for Czech translation.
- Everybody who was kind enough to share their feedback.
Code and documentation copyright 2019 Jakub Duras. Released under the MIT License.