Integrated GitHub Activity Notification System.
Notify follower increase / decrease.
Notify Stargazer / Watcher / Fork change both increase and decrease.
Notify Reaction Emoji increment / decrement.
- Get latest information of user and repository from Github API
- Get previous information of user and repository from database (Elasticsearch)
- Comparing both of them to find changes
- Increase/Decrease of Followers
- Increase/Decrease of Stargazers
- Increase/Decrease of Watchers
- Increase/Decrease of Forks
- Increase/Decrease of Reactions Emoji
- Send notification message on Line
- Save latest information on database
git clone
cd GithubWatcher
sbt clean assembly
export gw_tasks=followerWatchTask,repositoryWatchTask,reactionWatchTask # tasks
export gw_user_id=${YOUR_GITHUB_USER_ID}
export gw_es_endpoint=${YOUR_ES_ENDPOINT} # default: localhost:9200
export gw_es_username=${YOUR_ES_USERNAME) # Optional
export gw_es_password=${YOUR_ES_PASSWORD} # Optional
export gw_line_bot_id=${YOUR_LINE_BOT_ID}
export gw_line_channel_token=${YOUR_LINE_CHANNEL_TOKEN}
export gw_github_api_token=${YOUR_GITHUB_API_TOKEN}
java -jar target/scala-2.13/GithubWatcher.jar