Releases: ocaml/odoc
Hierarchical documentation (@jonludlam, @panglesd, @Julow). Pages can now be
organized in a directory tree structure. Relative and absolute references
are added:{!./other_page.label}
. -
Improved sidebar and breadcrumbs navigation (@panglesd, @gpetiot). The
documentation pages and the libraries of the entire package are shown on the
left sidebar. -
Added support for images, videos, audio and other assets. The syntax is
for images. The syntax for
is the same. (@panglesd, @EmileTrotignon,
#1170, #1171, #1184, #1185) -
Search using Sherlodoc (@panglesd, @EmileTrotignon, @Julow). A new search
bar that supports full-text and type-based search.
Experimental driver (@jonludlam, @panglesd)
The driver builds the documentation for a collection of Opam packages using
the newer Odoc features. It supports linking external packages to
and markdown files.
This is experimental and will break in the future. -
Cross-package references (@panglesd, @Julow)
Pages and modules from other packages can be referenced:
. -
Option to remap links to other packages to or other site.
See the--remap
option of the driver or the--remap-file
option of
odoc html-generate
. (@jonludlam, #1189, #1248) -
Option to compute occurrences of use of each identifiers
The commandsaggregate-occurrences
are added.
(@panglesd, #976, #1076, #1206) -
Added an
subcommand to extract code blocks from mld/mli files
(@panglesd, #1326) -
Added the
odoc classify
command (@jonludlam, #1121)
Helps driver detecting which modules belong to which libraries. -
options to the CLI to silence warnings from a unit,
even if they end up being raised in another unit through expansion
(@jonludlam, #1260) -
Add clock emoji before
tag (@yawaramin, #1089) -
Navigation for the search bar : use '/' to enter search, up and down arrows
to select a result, and enter to follow the selected link. (@EmileTrotignon,
#1088) -
Fix a big gap between the preamble and the content of a page
(@EmileTrotignon, #1147) -
Add a marshalled search index consumable by sherlodoc (@EmileTrotignon,
@panglesd, #1084) -
Allow referencing of polymorphic constructors in polymorphic variant type
aliases (@panglesd, #1115) -
Added a home icon in the breacrumbs (@panglesd, #1251)
It can be disabled with a CLI option. -
Add a frontmatter syntax for mld pages (@panglesd, #1187, #1193, #1243,
#1246, #1251) Allows to specify the title of a page, the order of sub-pages
and other behaviors in the sidebar. -
to process standalone Markdown pages (@jonludlam, #1234) -
Added CSS selectors to style version and and nav links when they appear
within page titles, as produced by odig (@katrinafyi, #1290) -
Added support for (local) images in the latex backend (@Octachron, #1297)
The command line interface changed to support the new features.
- Packages and libraries:
odoc link
must now be aware of packages and
libraries with the-L libname:path
and-P pkgname:path
options. The
module search path should still be passed with the-I
The current package should be specified with--current-package=pkgname
. - Hierarchy:
odoc compile
now outputs.odoc
in the directory tree
specified with--output-dir=DIR
and the parent identifier must be
specified with--parent-id=PARENT
The option--source-parent-file
is removed. - Source code: Implementations are compiled with
instead of
. The options--cmt=..
are removed.
Source code pages are generated withhtml-generate-source
. - Assets: The commands
are added.
The optionhtml-generate --asset
is removed. - Sidebar: The index is built using
. The sidebar data is
extracted from the index withsidebar-generate
and passed to
html-generate --sidebar=..
- Packages and libraries:
The syntax for
is now delimited (@panglesd, #1239)
can now be followed by a paragraph or other elements. -
Updated colors for code fragments (@EmileTrotignon, #1023)
Fixed complexity of looking up
files (@panglesd, #1075) -
Normalize whitespaces in codespans (@gpetiot, #1085)
A newline followed by any whitespaces is normalized as one space character. -
Reduce size of
when compiled to javascript
(@EmileTrotignon, #1072) -
Overhaul of module-type-of expansions and shadowing code (@jonludlam, #1081)
Output file paths and labels in the man and latex backends changed to avoid
name clashes (@Julow, #1191) -
Changed indentation rules for code block and verbatim content (@panglesd,
#1317) -
odoc-parser: Store raw content in verbatim and code block, and expose a
function to process it (@panglesd, #1325)
- Fix variant constructors being hidden if they contain hidden types
(@jonludlam, #1105) - Fix rare assertion failure due to optional parameters
(@jonludlam, #1272, issue #1001) - Fix resolution of module synopses in {!modules} lists that require --open
(@jonludlam, #1104} - Fix top comment not being taken from includes often enough (@panglesd, #1117)
- Fixed 404 links from search results (@panglesd, #1108)
- Fixed title content not being picked up across pages when rendering references
(#1116, @panglesd) - Fix wrong links to standalone comments in search results (#1118, @panglesd)
- Remove duplicated or unwanted comments with inline includes (@Julow, #1133)
- Fix bug where source rendering would cause odoc to fail completely if it
encounters invalid syntax (@jonludlam #1208) - Add missing parentheses in 'val (let*) : ...' (@Julow, #1268)
- Fix syntax highlighting not working for very large files
(@jonludlam, @Julow, #1277) - Fix backtrace on invalid input in compile-deps (@jonludlam, #1313)
- Fix bug in our CSS hitting verbatim blocks in tags (@jonludlam, #1312)
- Fix issue #610 where
odoc html-fragment
wasn't rendering headings correctly
(@jonludlam, #1306)
Hierarchical documentation (@jonludlam, @panglesd, @Julow)
Pages can now be organized in a directory tree structure.
Relative and absolute references are added:
. -
Improved sidebar and breadcrumbs navigation (@panglesd, @gpetiot)
The documentation pages and the libraries of the entire package are shown on
the left sidebar. -
Added support for images, videos, audio and other assets
The syntax is{image!/reference/to/asset}
for images.
The syntax for{video...}
is the same.
(@panglesd, @EmileTrotignon, #1170, #1171, #1184, #1185) -
Search using Sherlodoc (@panglesd, @EmileTrotignon, @Julow)
A new search bar that supports full-text and type-based search.
Experimental driver (@jonludlam, @panglesd)
The driver builds the documentation for a collection of Opam packages using
the newer Odoc features. It supports linking external packages to
and markdown files.
This is experimental and will break in the future. -
Cross-package references (@panglesd, @Julow)
Pages and modules from other packages can be referenced:
. -
Option to remap links to other packages to or other site.
See the--remap
option of the driver or the--remap-file
option ofodoc html-generate
(@jonludlam, #1189, #1248) -
Option to compute occurrences of use of each identifiers
The commandsaggregate-occurrences
are added.
(@panglesd, #976, #1076, #1206) -
Added the
odoc classify
command (@jonludlam, #1121)
Helps driver detecting which modules belong to which libraries. -
to the CLI to remove warnings from a unit, even
if they end up being raised in another unit through expansion
(@jonludlam, #1260) -
Add clock emoji before
tag (@yawaramin, #1089) -
Navigation for the search bar : use '/' to enter search, up and down arrows to
select a result, and enter to follow the selected link. (@EmileTrotignon, #1088) -
Fix a big gap between the preamble and the content of a page (@EmileTrotignon, #1147)
Add a marshalled search index consumable by sherlodoc (@EmileTrotignon, @panglesd, #1084)
Allow referencing of polymorphic constructors in polymorphic variant type
aliases (@panglesd, #1115) -
Added a home icon in the breacrumbs (@panglesd, #1251)
It can be disabled with a CLI option. -
Add a frontmatter syntax for mld pages (@panglesd, #1187, #1193, #1243, #1246, #1251)
Allows to specify the title of a page, the order of sub-pages and other
behaviors in the sidebar. -
to process standalone Markdown pages (@jonludlam, #1234)
The command line interface changed to support the new features.
- Packages and libraries:
odoc link
must now be aware of packages and
libraries with the-L libname:path
and-P pkgname:path
options. The
module search path should still be passed with the-I
The current package should be specified with--current-package=pkgname
. - Hierarchy:
odoc compile
now outputs.odoc
in the directory tree
specified with--output-dir=DIR
and the parent identifier must be
specified with--parent-id=PARENT
The option--source-parent-file
is removed. - Source code: Implementations are compiled with
instead of
. The options--cmt=..
are removed.
Source code pages are generated withhtml-generate-source
. - Assets: The commands
are added.
The optionhtml-generate --asset
is removed. - Sidebar: The index is built using
. The sidebar data is
extracted from the index withsidebar-generate
and passed to
html-generate --sidebar=..
- Packages and libraries:
The syntax for
is now delimited (@panglesd, #1239)
can now be followed by a paragraph or other elements. -
Updated colors for code fragments (@EmileTrotignon, #1023)
Fixed complexity of looking up
files (@panglesd, #1075) -
Normalize whitespaces in codespans (@gpetiot, #1085)
A newline followed by any whitespaces is normalized as one space character. -
Reduce size of
when compiled to javascript
(@EmileTrotignon, #1072) -
Overhaul of module-type-of expansions and shadowing code (@jonludlam, #1081)
Output file paths and labels in the man and latex backends changed to avoid
name clashes (@Julow, #1191)
- Fix variant constructors being hidden if they contain hidden types
(@jonludlam, #1105) - Fix rare assertion failure due to optional parameters
(@jonludlam, #1272, issue #1001) - Fix resolution of module synopses in {!modules} lists that require --open
(@jonludlam, #1104} - Fix top comment not being taken from includes often enough (@panglesd, #1117)
- Fixed 404 links from search results (@panglesd, #1108)
- Fixed title content not being picked up across pages when rendering references
(#1116, @panglesd) - Fix wrong links to standalone comments in search results (#1118, @panglesd)
- Remove duplicated or unwanted comments with inline includes (@Julow, #1133)
- Fix bug where source rendering would cause odoc to fail completely if it
encounters invalid syntax (@jonludlam #1208) - Add missing parentheses in 'val (let*) : ...' (@Julow, #1268)
- Fix syntax highlighting not working for very large files
(@jonludlam, @Julow, #1277)
- Fix missing katex headers (@panglesd, #1096)
- Allow
in code blocks, fixing issue #1137 (@Julow, #1149)
This was interpreted as "code blocks with result", which now mandates a
delimiter:{delim@lang[ code ]delim[ result ]}
- Fix misprinting of type variables from ml files for OCaml 4.14 and later
(multiple occurences of the same type variable could be named differently)
(@Octachron, #1173)
Add support for external search engines (@panglesd, @EmileTrotignon, #972)
This includes the generation of an index and the display of the results in
the UI (HTML only). -
Display 'private' keyword for private type extensions (@gpetiot, #1019)
Allow to omit parent type in constructor reference (@panglesd,
@EmileTrotignon, #933)
- Warn and exit when table(s) is not closed (@lubegasimon, #1050)
- Hint when list(s) is not closed (@lubegasimon, #1050)
- Fix crash on functors returning an alias (@Julow, #1046)
- Fix rendering of polymorphic variants (@wikku, @panglesd, #971)
- Add references to extension declarations (@gpetiot, @panglesd, #949)
- Style: Adjusted line height in the TOC to improve readability (@sorawee, #1045)
- Style: Remove font fallback to Helvetica, Arial (@Julow, #1028)
- Style: Preformatted elements fallback to UA monospace (@toastal, #967)
- Style: Sidebar is now stuck to the left of the content instead of the left of
the viewport (@EmileTrotignon, #999)