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occurrences: incrementally index the buffer in Mtyper
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voodoos committed Jun 4, 2024
1 parent 6121a4a commit b0a5e4a
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Showing 9 changed files with 305 additions and 150 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/analysis/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -139,3 +139,7 @@ let iter_on_usages ~f (local_defs : Mtyper.typedtree) =
begin match local_defs with
| `Interface signature -> iter.signature iter signature
| `Implementation structure -> iter.structure iter structure end

let iterator_on_usages ~f =
let occ_iter = Cmt_format.iter_on_occurrences ~f in
iter_only_visible occ_iter
96 changes: 96 additions & 0 deletions src/analysis/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
open Std
module Lid_set = Index_format.Lid_set
let {Logger. log} = Logger.for_section "index-occurrences"

let set_fname ~file (loc : Location.t) =
let pos_fname = file in
{ loc with
loc_start = { loc.loc_start with pos_fname };
loc_end = { loc.loc_end with pos_fname }}

let decl_of_path_or_lid env namespace path lid =
match (namespace : Shape.Sig_component_kind.t) with
| Constructor ->
begin match Env.find_constructor_by_name lid env with
| exception Not_found -> None
| {cstr_uid; cstr_loc; _ } ->
Some { Env_lookup.uid = cstr_uid; loc = cstr_loc; namespace }
| Label ->
begin match Env.find_label_by_name lid env with
| exception Not_found -> None
| {lbl_uid; lbl_loc; _ } ->
Some { Env_lookup.uid = lbl_uid; loc = lbl_loc; namespace }
| _ -> Env_lookup.by_path path namespace env

let iterator ~current_buffer_path ~index ~stamp ~reduce_for_uid =
let add uid loc =
Stamped_hashtable.add index ~stamp (uid, loc) ()
let f ~namespace env path (lid : Longident.t Location.loc) =
log ~title:"index_buffer" "Path: %a" Logger.fmt (Fun.flip Path.print path);
let not_ghost { Location.loc = { loc_ghost; _ }; _ } = not loc_ghost in
let lid = { lid with loc = set_fname ~file:current_buffer_path lid.loc } in
let index_decl () =
begin match decl_of_path_or_lid env namespace path lid.txt with
| exception _ | None -> log ~title:"index_buffer" "Declaration not found"
| Some decl ->
log ~title:"index_buffer" "Found declaration: %a"
Logger.fmt (Fun.flip Location.print_loc decl.loc);
add decl.uid lid
if not_ghost lid then
match Env.shape_of_path ~namespace env path with
| exception Not_found -> ()
| path_shape ->
log ~title:"index_buffer" "Shape of path: %a"
Logger.fmt (Fun.flip Shape.print path_shape);
let result = reduce_for_uid env path_shape in
begin match Locate.uid_of_result ~traverse_aliases:false result with
| Some uid, false ->
log ~title:"index_buffer" "Found %a (%a) wiht uid %a"
Logger.fmt (Fun.flip Pprintast.longident lid.txt)
Logger.fmt (Fun.flip Location.print_loc lid.loc)
Logger.fmt (Fun.flip Shape.Uid.print uid);
add uid lid
| Some uid, true ->
log ~title:"index_buffer" "Shape is approximative, found uid: %a"
Logger.fmt (Fun.flip Shape.Uid.print uid);
index_decl ()
| None, _ ->
log ~title:"index_buffer" "Reduction failed: missing uid";
index_decl ()
Ast_iterators.iterator_on_usages ~f

let items ~index ~stamp (config : Mconfig.t) items =
let module Shape_reduce =
Shape_reduce.Make (struct
let fuel = 10

let read_unit_shape ~unit_name =
log ~title:"read_unit_shape" "inspecting %s" unit_name;
let cmt = Format.sprintf "%s.cmt" unit_name in
match (Load_path.find_normalized cmt) with
| { cmt_infos = { cmt_impl_shape; _ }; _ } ->
log ~title:"read_unit_shape" "shapes loaded for %s" unit_name;
| exception _ ->
log ~title:"read_unit_shape" "failed to find %s" unit_name;
let current_buffer_path =
Filename.concat config.query.filename
let reduce_for_uid = Shape_reduce.reduce_for_uid in
let iterator = iterator ~current_buffer_path ~index ~stamp ~reduce_for_uid in
match items with
| `Impl items ->
List.iter ~f:(iterator.structure_item iterator) items
| `Intf items ->
List.iter ~f:(iterator.signature_item iterator) items

123 changes: 11 additions & 112 deletions src/analysis/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,114 +5,14 @@ let {Logger. log} = Logger.for_section "occurrences"

type t = { locs: Warnings.loc list; status: Query_protocol.occurrences_status }

let () = Mtyper.set_index_items Index_occurrences.items

let set_fname ~file (loc : Location.t) =
let pos_fname = file in
{ loc with
loc_start = { loc.loc_start with pos_fname };
loc_end = { loc.loc_end with pos_fname }}

let decl_of_path_or_lid env namespace path lid =
match (namespace : Shape.Sig_component_kind.t) with
| Constructor ->
begin match Env.find_constructor_by_name lid env with
| exception Not_found -> None
| {cstr_uid; cstr_loc; _ } ->
Some { Env_lookup.uid = cstr_uid; loc = cstr_loc; namespace }
| Label ->
begin match Env.find_label_by_name lid env with
| exception Not_found -> None
| {lbl_uid; lbl_loc; _ } ->
Some { Env_lookup.uid = lbl_uid; loc = lbl_loc; namespace }
| _ -> Env_lookup.by_path path namespace env

let index_buffer_ ~current_buffer_path ~local_defs () =
let {Logger. log} = Logger.for_section "index" in
let defs = Hashtbl.create 64 in
let add tbl uid locs =
let locations = Hashtbl.find tbl uid in
Hashtbl.replace tbl uid (Lid_set.union locs locations)
with Not_found -> Hashtbl.add tbl uid locs
let module Shape_reduce =
Shape_reduce.Make (struct
let fuel = 10

let read_unit_shape ~unit_name =
log ~title:"read_unit_shape" "inspecting %s" unit_name;
let cmt = Format.sprintf "%s.cmt" unit_name in
match (Load_path.find_normalized cmt) with
| { cmt_infos = { cmt_impl_shape; _ }; _ } ->
log ~title:"read_unit_shape" "shapes loaded for %s" unit_name;
| exception _ ->
log ~title:"read_unit_shape" "failed to find %s" unit_name;
let f ~namespace env path (lid : Longident.t Location.loc) =
log ~title:"index_buffer" "Path: %a" Logger.fmt (Fun.flip Path.print path);
let not_ghost { Location.loc = { loc_ghost; _ }; _ } = not loc_ghost in
let lid = { lid with loc = set_fname ~file:current_buffer_path lid.loc } in
let index_decl () =
begin match decl_of_path_or_lid env namespace path lid.txt with
| exception _ | None -> log ~title:"index_buffer" "Declaration not found"
| Some decl ->
log ~title:"index_buffer" "Found declaration: %a"
Logger.fmt (Fun.flip Location.print_loc decl.loc);
add defs decl.uid (Lid_set.singleton lid)
if not_ghost lid then
match Env.shape_of_path ~namespace env path with
| exception Not_found -> ()
| path_shape ->
log ~title:"index_buffer" "Shape of path: %a"
Logger.fmt (Fun.flip Shape.print path_shape);
let result = Shape_reduce.reduce_for_uid env path_shape in
begin match Locate.uid_of_result ~traverse_aliases:false result with
| Some uid, false ->
log ~title:"index_buffer" "Found %a (%a) wiht uid %a"
Logger.fmt (Fun.flip Pprintast.longident lid.txt)
Logger.fmt (Fun.flip Location.print_loc lid.loc)
Logger.fmt (Fun.flip Shape.Uid.print uid);
add defs uid (Lid_set.singleton lid)
| Some uid, true ->
log ~title:"index_buffer" "Shape is approximative, found uid: %a"
Logger.fmt (Fun.flip Shape.Uid.print uid);
index_decl ()
| None, _ ->
log ~title:"index_buffer" "Reduction failed: missing uid";
index_decl ()
Ast_iterators.iter_on_usages ~f local_defs;

let index_buffer =
(* Right now, we only cache the last used index. We could do better by caching
the index for every known buffer. *)
let cache = ref None in
fun ~scope ~current_buffer_path ~stamp ~local_defs () ->
let {Logger. log} = Logger.for_section "index" in
match !cache with
| Some (path, stamp', scope', value) when
String.equal path current_buffer_path
&& Int.equal stamp' stamp
&& scope' = scope ->
log ~title:"index_cache" "Reusing cached value for path %s and stamp %i."
path stamp';
| _ ->
log ~title:"index_cache" "No valid cache found, reindexing.";
let result =
index_buffer_ ~current_buffer_path ~local_defs ()
cache := Some (current_buffer_path, stamp, scope, result);

(* A longident can have the form: A.B.x Right now we are only interested in
values, but we will eventually want to index all occurrences of modules in
such longidents. However there is an issue with that: we only have the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -210,6 +110,13 @@ end = struct
| None -> cache_and_return (stat t file)

let get_buffer_locs result uid =
(fun (uid', loc) () acc ->
if Shape.Uid.equal uid uid' then Lid_set.add loc acc else acc)
(Mtyper.get_index result)

let locs_of ~config ~env ~typer_result ~pos ~scope path =
log ~title:"occurrences" "Looking for occurences of %s (pos: %s)"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -253,11 +160,7 @@ let locs_of ~config ~env ~typer_result ~pos ~scope path =
Logger.fmt (fun fmt -> Shape.Uid.print fmt def_uid)
Logger.fmt (fun fmt -> Location.print_loc fmt def_loc);
log ~title:"locs_of" "Indexing current buffer";
let buffer_index =
let stamp = Mtyper.get_stamp typer_result in
index_buffer ~scope ~current_buffer_path ~stamp ~local_defs ()
let buffer_locs = Hashtbl.find_opt buffer_index def_uid in
let buffer_locs = get_buffer_locs typer_result def_uid in
let external_locs =
if scope = `Buffer then []
else List.filter_map config.merlin.index_files ~f:(fun file ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -291,11 +194,7 @@ let locs_of ~config ~env ~typer_result ~pos ~scope path =
(Lid_set.union acc_locs locs, String.Set.union acc_files files))
let locs =
match buffer_locs with
| Some buffer_locs -> Lid_set.union buffer_locs external_locs
| None -> external_locs
let locs = Lid_set.union buffer_locs external_locs in
let locs =
log ~title:"occurrences" "Found %i locs" (Lid_set.cardinal locs);
Lid_set.elements locs
Expand Down
47 changes: 42 additions & 5 deletions src/kernel/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,23 @@ open Local_store

let {Logger. log} = Logger.for_section "Mtyper"

let index_changelog =
Local_store.s_table Stamped_hashtable.create_changelog ()

type index_tbl =
(Shape.Uid.t * Longident.t Location.loc, unit) Stamped_hashtable.t

(* Forward ref to be filled by analysis.Occurrences *)
let index_items :
-> stamp:int
-> Mconfig.t
-> [ `Impl of Typedtree.structure_item list
| `Intf of Typedtree.signature_item list ]
-> unit) ref =
ref (fun ~index:_ ~stamp:_ _config _item -> ())
let set_index_items f = index_items := f

type ('p,'t) item = {
parsetree_item: 'p;
typedtree_items: 't list * Types.signature_item list;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -33,6 +50,7 @@ type 'a cache_result = {
snapshot : Types.snapshot;
ident_stamp : int;
value : 'a;
index : (Shape.Uid.t * Longident.t Location.loc, unit) Stamped_hashtable.t;

let cache : typedtree_items option cache_result option ref = s_ref None
Expand All @@ -49,7 +67,8 @@ let get_cache config =
| Some ({ snapshot; _ } as c) when Types.is_valid snapshot -> c
| Some _ | None ->
let env, snapshot, ident_stamp = fresh_env config in
{ env; snapshot; ident_stamp; value = None }
let index = Stamped_hashtable.create !index_changelog 256 in
{ env; snapshot; ident_stamp; value = None; index }

let return_and_cache status =
cache := Some ({ status with value = Some status.value });
Expand All @@ -62,6 +81,7 @@ type result = {
initial_stamp : int;
stamp : int;
typedtree : typedtree_items;
index : (Shape.Uid.t * Longident.t Location.loc, unit) Stamped_hashtable.t;
cache_stat : typer_cache_stats

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -119,7 +139,7 @@ let rec type_signature caught env = function
| [] -> []

let type_implementation config caught parsetree =
let { env; snapshot; ident_stamp; value = prefix; _ } = get_cache config in
let { env; snapshot; ident_stamp; value = prefix; index; _ } = get_cache config in
let prefix, parsetree, cache_stats =
match prefix with
| Some (`Implementation items) -> compatible_prefix items parsetree
Expand All @@ -135,12 +155,19 @@ let type_implementation config caught parsetree =
Btype.backtrack snap';
Warnings.restore warn';
Env.cleanup_functor_caches ~stamp:stamp';
let stamp = List.length prefix - 1 in
Stamped_hashtable.backtrack !index_changelog ~stamp;
let suffix = type_structure caught env' parsetree in
let () =
List.iteri ~f:(fun i { typedtree_items = (items, _); _ } ->
let stamp = stamp + i + 1 in
!index_items ~index ~stamp config (`Impl items)) suffix
let value = `Implementation (List.rev_append prefix suffix) in
return_and_cache { env; snapshot; ident_stamp; value }, cache_stats
return_and_cache { env; snapshot; ident_stamp; value; index }, cache_stats

let type_interface config caught parsetree =
let { env; snapshot; ident_stamp; value = prefix; _ } = get_cache config in
let { env; snapshot; ident_stamp; value = prefix; index; _ } = get_cache config in
let prefix, parsetree, cache_stats =
match prefix with
| Some (`Interface items) -> compatible_prefix items parsetree
Expand All @@ -156,9 +183,16 @@ let type_interface config caught parsetree =
Btype.backtrack snap';
Warnings.restore warn';
Env.cleanup_functor_caches ~stamp:stamp';
let stamp = List.length prefix in
Stamped_hashtable.backtrack !index_changelog ~stamp;
let suffix = type_signature caught env' parsetree in
let () =
List.iteri ~f:(fun i { typedtree_items = (items, _); _ } ->
let stamp = stamp + i + 1 in
!index_items ~index ~stamp config (`Intf items)) suffix
let value = `Interface (List.rev_append prefix suffix) in
return_and_cache { env; snapshot; ident_stamp; value}, cache_stats
return_and_cache { env; snapshot; ident_stamp; value; index}, cache_stats

let run config parsetree =
if not (Env.check_state_consistency ()) then (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -186,6 +220,7 @@ let run config parsetree =
initial_stamp = cached_result.ident_stamp;
typedtree = cached_result.value;
index = cached_result.index;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -224,6 +259,8 @@ let get_typedtree t =
let sig_items, sig_type = split_items l in
`Interface {Typedtree. sig_items; sig_type; sig_final_env = get_env t}

let get_index t = t.index

let get_stamp t = t.stamp

let node_at ?(skip_recovered=false) t pos_cursor =
Expand Down

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