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Add markdown renderer for 2.0
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yasunariw committed Mar 10, 2022
1 parent 2e121af commit b7aa7f0
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Showing 4 changed files with 348 additions and 0 deletions.
341 changes: 341 additions & 0 deletions src/
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@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
open Ast

type t = attributes block list

let nchar n buf c =
let rec aux n =
if n <= 0 then
else (
Buffer.add_char buf c;
aux (n - 1)
aux n

let nl buf = Buffer.add_char buf '\n'

let sp buf = Buffer.add_char buf ' '

let add_string_escape_chars b s =
for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
match s.[i] with
| '.' as c ->
i > 0
match s.[i - 1] with
| '0' .. '9' -> i + 1 < String.length s && s.[i + 1] = ' '
| _ -> false
Buffer.add_char b '\\';
Buffer.add_char b c
| '-' as c ->
(i = 0
match s.[i - 1] with
| ' '
| '\n' ->
| _ -> false)
&& i + 1 < String.length s
&& (s.[i + 1] = ' ' || s.[i + 1] = '-')
Buffer.add_char b '\\';
Buffer.add_char b c
| '+' as c ->
(i = 0
match s.[i - 1] with
| ' '
| '\n' ->
| _ -> false)
&& i + 1 < String.length s
&& s.[i + 1] = ' '
Buffer.add_char b '\\';
Buffer.add_char b c
| '!' as c ->
if i + 1 < String.length s && s.[i + 1] = '[' then
Buffer.add_char b '\\';
Buffer.add_char b c
| '<' as c ->
i <> String.length s - 1
match s.[i + 1] with
| 'a' .. 'z'
| 'A' .. 'Z' ->
| _ -> true
Buffer.add_char b '\\';
Buffer.add_char b c
| '>' as c ->
i = 0
match s.[i - 1] with
| ' '
| '\n' ->
| _ -> true
Buffer.add_char b '\\';
Buffer.add_char b c
| '#' as c ->
if i = 0 || s.[i - 1] = '\n' then Buffer.add_char b '\\';
Buffer.add_char b c
| ('\\' | '[' | ']' | '(' | ')' | '`' | '*') as c ->
Buffer.add_char b '\\';
Buffer.add_char b c
| c -> Buffer.add_char b c

let infer_num_backticks min_allowed c =
let l = String.length c in
let rec loop m s i =
if i = l then
max m s
match c.[i] with
| '`' -> loop m (s + 1) (i + 1)
| _ -> loop (max m s) 1 (i + 1)
loop min_allowed 1 0

let add_attrs_to_buffer ?(space = false) buf attrs =
let add_attr (k, v) =
match k with
| "class" ->
String.split_on_char ' ' v
|> (Printf.sprintf ".%s")
|> String.concat " "
|> Buffer.add_string buf
| "id" -> Printf.bprintf buf "#%s" v
| k -> Printf.bprintf buf "%s=%s" k v
match attrs with
| [] -> ()
| attr :: attrs ->
if space then sp buf;
Buffer.add_char buf '{';
add_attr attr;
(fun (k, v) ->
sp buf;
add_attr (k, v))
Buffer.add_char buf '}'

let rec inline ~prefix buf = function
| Ast.Concat (_, l) -> List.iter (inline ~prefix buf) l
| Text (_, t) -> add_string_escape_chars buf t
| Emph (_, il) ->
Buffer.add_char buf '*';
inline ~prefix buf il;
Buffer.add_char buf '*'
| Strong (_, il) ->
Buffer.add_string buf "**";
inline ~prefix buf il;
Buffer.add_string buf "**"
| Code (attr, c) ->
let n = String.length c in
let num_backticks = infer_num_backticks 1 c in
nchar num_backticks buf '`';
if n > 0 && c.[0] = '`' then sp buf;
Buffer.add_string buf c;
if n > 0 && c.[n - 1] = '`' then sp buf;
nchar num_backticks buf '`';
add_attrs_to_buffer buf attr
| Hard_break _attr ->
sp buf;
sp buf;
nl buf;
Buffer.add_string buf prefix
| Soft_break _ ->
nl buf;
Buffer.add_string buf prefix
| Html (_, body) -> Buffer.add_string buf body
| Link (attr, link) -> add_link ~prefix buf attr link
| Image (attr, link) ->
Buffer.add_char buf '!';
add_link ~prefix buf attr link

and add_link ~prefix buf attr { label; destination; title } =
Buffer.add_char buf '[';
inline ~prefix buf label;
Buffer.add_char buf ']';
Buffer.add_char buf '(';
Buffer.add_string buf destination;
Option.iter (Printf.bprintf buf " %S") title;
Buffer.add_char buf ')';
add_attrs_to_buffer buf attr

let add_nl_with_quote_prefix ~prefix ~quote ~tight buf =
if (not tight) && Buffer.length buf > 1 then begin
if quote then Buffer.add_string buf prefix;
nl buf

let add_prefix ~first_item_prefix ~prefix buf =
let prefix = Option.value ~default:prefix first_item_prefix in
Buffer.add_string buf prefix

let add_string_with_nl_prefix ~first_item_prefix ~prefix buf s =
(fun x ->
Buffer.add_char buf x;
if x = '\n' then add_prefix ~first_item_prefix ~prefix buf)

let rec block ?first_item_prefix ~prefix ~quote ~tight buf b =
match b with
| Blockquote (_attr, q) -> begin
match q with
| [] -> ()
| hd :: tl ->
let first_item_prefix = (fun s -> s ^ "> ") first_item_prefix
let prefix = prefix ^ "> " in
block ?first_item_prefix ~prefix ~quote ~tight buf hd;
List.iter (block ?first_item_prefix ~prefix ~quote:true ~tight buf) tl
| Paragraph (_attr, md) ->
add_nl_with_quote_prefix ~prefix ~quote ~tight buf;
add_prefix ~first_item_prefix ~prefix buf;
inline ~prefix buf md;
nl buf
| List (_attr, ty, spacing, bl) -> (
add_nl_with_quote_prefix ~prefix ~quote ~tight buf;
let tight =
match spacing with
| Loose -> false
| Tight -> true
match ty with
| Ordered (x, c) ->
add_ordered_list ?first_item_prefix ~prefix ~quote ~tight buf x c bl
| Bullet c ->
add_bullet_list ?first_item_prefix ~prefix ~quote ~tight buf c bl)
| Code_block (attr, label, c) ->
add_nl_with_quote_prefix ~prefix ~quote ~tight buf;
add_prefix ~first_item_prefix ~prefix buf;
add_code_block ~first_item_prefix ~prefix buf attr label c
| Thematic_break _attr ->
add_nl_with_quote_prefix ~prefix ~quote ~tight buf;
add_prefix ~first_item_prefix ~prefix buf;
nchar 3 buf '*';
nl buf
| Html_block (_, body) ->
add_nl_with_quote_prefix ~prefix ~quote ~tight buf;
add_prefix ~first_item_prefix ~prefix buf;
let n = String.length body in
let body =
if n > 0 && body.[n - 1] = '\n' then
String.sub body 0 (n - 1)
add_string_with_nl_prefix ~first_item_prefix ~prefix buf body;
nl buf
| Heading (attr, level, text) ->
add_nl_with_quote_prefix ~prefix ~quote ~tight buf;
add_prefix ~first_item_prefix ~prefix buf;
if 0 < level && level < 7 then (
nchar level buf '#';
sp buf
inline ~prefix buf text;
add_attrs_to_buffer ~space:true buf attr;
nl buf
| Definition_list (_attr, l) ->
add_nl_with_quote_prefix ~prefix ~quote ~tight buf;
add_prefix ~first_item_prefix ~prefix buf;
add_def_list ~prefix buf l

and add_ordered_list ?first_item_prefix ~prefix ~quote ~tight buf x c = function
| [] -> ()
| hd :: tl ->
let add_list_item before_first_item_prefix i bl =
let n, s =
let s = Printf.sprintf "%d%c " (x + i) c in
(String.length s, s)
let first_item_prefix = before_first_item_prefix ^ s in
let prefix = prefix ^ String.make n ' ' in
match bl with
| [] -> ()
| hd :: tl ->
block ~first_item_prefix ~prefix ~quote ~tight buf hd;
List.iter (fun b -> block ~prefix ~quote ~tight buf b) tl
add_list_item (Option.value ~default:prefix first_item_prefix) 0 hd;
List.iteri (fun i -> add_list_item prefix (i + 1)) tl

and add_code_block ~first_item_prefix ~prefix buf attr label c =
let n = infer_num_backticks 3 c in
nchar n buf '`';
let label = String.trim label in
Buffer.add_string buf label;
add_attrs_to_buffer ~space:true buf attr;
nl buf;
add_prefix ~first_item_prefix ~prefix buf;
add_string_with_nl_prefix ~first_item_prefix ~prefix buf c;
let n = String.length c in
if n > 0 && c.[String.length c - 1] <> '\n' then begin
nl buf;
add_prefix ~first_item_prefix ~prefix buf
nchar n buf '`';
nl buf

and add_bullet_list ?first_item_prefix ~prefix ~quote ~tight buf c = function
| [] -> ()
| hd :: tl ->
let n, s =
let s = Printf.sprintf "%c " c in
(3, s)
let add_list_item before_first_item_prefix bl =
let first_item_prefix = before_first_item_prefix ^ s in
let prefix = prefix ^ String.make n ' ' in
match bl with
| [] -> ()
| hd :: tl ->
block ~first_item_prefix ~prefix ~quote ~tight buf hd;
List.iter (fun b -> block ~prefix ~quote ~tight buf b) tl
add_list_item (Option.value ~default:prefix first_item_prefix) hd;
List.iter (add_list_item prefix) tl

and add_def_list ~prefix buf l =
let add_term { term; defs } =
inline ~prefix buf term;
nl buf;
(fun def ->
Buffer.add_char buf ':';
sp buf;
inline ~prefix buf def;
nl buf)
match l with
| [] -> ()
| term :: terms ->
add_term term;
(fun term ->
nl buf;
add_term term)

let to_string (t : t) =
let buf = Buffer.create 1024 in
List.iter (block ~prefix:"" ~quote:false ~tight:false buf) t;
Buffer.contents buf
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/markdown.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
type t = Ast.attributes Ast.block list

val to_string : t -> string
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ let of_string s = parse_inlines (Pre.of_string s)

let to_html doc = Html.to_string (Html.of_doc doc)

let to_markdown md = Markdown.to_string md

let to_sexp ast = Format.asprintf "@[%a@]@." Sexp.print (Sexp.create ast)

let headers = Toc.headers
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/omd.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -52,6 +52,8 @@ val of_string : string -> doc

val to_html : doc -> string

val to_markdown : doc -> string

val to_sexp : doc -> string

val headers :
Expand Down

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