For Configuration information see Kafka Config
The kafka component allows users to set up a Worker which can be replicated and consumes from a Kafka topic. It is also capable of coordinating multiple other Nodes (via Zookeeper) to share the load of topic consumption. In other words, this component allows one to create a horizontally scalable kafka consumer app with ease.
Add the jfrog repo to your project first:
Add latest version of wookiee:
This is the most important class and will have to be overridden, create a class of your own that extends it within your app. Then override the function:
def onReceive(messageResponse: MessageResponse) {}
This method will actually handle the event consumed from Kafka and process it in the way your app sees fit.
Base configuration is simple, when not using a producer or consumer all one needs to provide is an app-name
wookiee-kafka {
app-name = "test"
If one would like to utilize horizontally scalable consumers, then set these properties and override the onReceive(messageResponse: MessageResponse) method in PartitionConsumerWorker.scala
wookiee-kafka {
app-name = "test"
cluster-id = "collection" // Will be used to build up zookeeper path
worker-class = "com.product.code.CustomWorker"
zk-offset-commit-rate-millis = 500
consumer {
topics = [
name = "Lab_G_scsRawHits"
event-age-threshold-seconds = 90
name = "Lab_G_dcRawHits"
event-age-threshold-seconds = 0
kafka-hosts = [
"id": "cluster1"
"brokers": ["",""]
"id": "cluster2"
"brokers": [""]
One will also need to pull in the wookiee-zookeeper component and configure it like so
wookiee-zookeeper {
datacenter = "Lab"
pod = "Tests"
quorum = ""
session-timeout = 30s
connection-timeout = 30s
retry-sleep = 5s
retry-count = 150
base-path = "/discovery/clusters"
message-processor {
# How often the MessageProcessor should share it's subscription information
share-interval = 1s
# When should MessageTopicProcessor instances be removed after there are no longer any subscribers for that topic
trash-interval = 30s
# The default send timeout
default-send-timeout = 2s
If one would like to write to a set of Kafka brokers then configure the producers like so
wookiee-kafka {
app-name = "test"
producer {
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