This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0-only license
- ILIAS 6.0 - 7.999
- PHP >=7.2
Start at your ILIAS root directory
mkdir -p Customizing/global/plugins/Services/UIComponent/UserInterfaceHook
cd Customizing/global/plugins/Services/UIComponent/UserInterfaceHook
git clone HelpMe
Update, activate and config the plugin in the ILIAS Plugin Administration
For make this plugin work with ilCtrl in ILIAS 7, you may need to patch the core, before you update the plugin (At your own risk)
Start at the plugin directory
If you want to use the show tickets feature, you need to install the HelpMeCron plugin
If yout want use the Jira recipient with oAuth authorization you can find a guide to config your Jira installation:
You can lock errors in the ILIAS log file like
grep HelpMe /var/iliasdata/ilias/ilias.log
Support button with enabled show tickets:
You have a support
property (See more in Class Support) for specific fields in both subject and body.
In body you have also a fields
(Array of Class SupportField) for dynamic fields.
It uses the twig tempate engine (See more at
So you can either use a for loop to fill the notification body dynamic like:
{% for field in fields %}<p> <h2>{{ field.label |e }}</h2> {{ field.value |e }}</p><br>{% endfor %}
or fill only specific support fields like:
<h1>{{ support.title |e }}</h1><p>{{ support.description |e }}</p>
<small>{{ support.page_reference |e }}</small>
or both mixed like:
{% for field in fields %}{% if field.getKey != "page_reference" %}<p> <h2>{{ field.label |e }}</h2> {{ field.value |e }}</p><br>{% endif %}{% endfor %}
<small>{{ support.page_reference |e }}</small>
Note: For safety reasons Jira API does not supports HTML and will escape HTML