Reusable Terraform modules for continuous integration of static web applications deployed on s3 and served by cloudfront.
Release CI: CI/CD pipeline to deploy static web applications to S3 Bucket.
Preview CI: CD/CD build to deploy static web application feature branches to a preview S3 Bucket.
✅ Support for mono repositories, by providing the ability to change the base directory using app_base_dir
✅ Supports any package manager, you only need to specify the installation command to use for fetching dependencies,
i.e. yarn install
or npm install
using the Terraform variable app_install_cmd
✅ Ability to change the build command using the Terraform variable app_build_cmd
✅ Supports any static web application framework (React, Gatsby, VueJS), you only need to provide the build folder to be
deployed using the app_build_dir
, for example build
for react and public
for gatsby.
✅ Ability to change the runtime node version using the app_node_version
Terraform variable.
✅ Trigger the release pipeline based on pushes to Github branches or based on tag publish events by setting the
Terraform variable pre_release
to false
or true
✅ Support custom DOT ENV variables by leveraging AWS Secrets Manager. the pipeline will output envs_sm_id
that you
can use to update the secrets' manager secret version.
✅ On each started
, succeeded
and failed
event, the pipeline can send notifications to the target Slack channels
provided by ci_notifications_slack_channels
Terraform variable.
✅ To improve the performance of the builds and speed up the subsequent runs, the pipeline can cache the node modules to
a remote S3 artifacts bucket s3_artifacts
at the end of the builds and pull the cached node modules at the start of
each build.
✅ After a successful deployment, the pipeline will use the cloudfront_distribution_id
to invalidate the old web
application files from the edge cache. The next time a viewer requests the web application, CloudFront returns to the
origin to fetch the latest version of the application.
✅ Notify the preview build completion and the preview URL to Github users by commenting on the target PR that triggered the Build.
- Preview CI Build
module "webapp_preview_ci" {
source = "git::"
prefix = local.prefix
common_tags = local.common_tags
# Artifacts
s3_artifacts = {
arn = aws_s3_bucket.artifacts.arn
bucket = aws_s3_bucket.artifacts.bucket
# Github
github = {
owner = "obytes"
token = "Token used to comment on github PRs when the preview is ready!"
webhook_secret = "not-secret"
pre_release = false
repository_name = "react-typescript-starter"
# Build
app_base_dir = "."
app_build_dir = "build"
app_node_version = "latest"
app_install_cmd = "yarn install"
app_build_cmd = "yarn build"
# Web & Cloudfront (The used CDN module is here
s3_web = module.webapp_preview_cdn.s3
cloudfront_distribution_id = module.webapp_preview_cdn.dist["id"]
# Notification
ci_notifications_slack_channels = {
info = "ci-info"
alert = "ci-alert"
# Better to not manage this resource with terraform
# and let users modify secrets directly from console.
resource "aws_secretsmanager_secret_version" "webapp_preview_env_vars" {
secret_id = module.webapp_preview_ci.envs_sm_id
secret_string = jsonencode({
- Release CI Pipeline
module "webapp_release_ci" {
source = "git::"
prefix = local.prefix
common_tags = local.common_tags
# Artifacts
s3_artifacts = {
arn = aws_s3_bucket.artifacts.arn
bucket = aws_s3_bucket.artifacts.bucket
# Github
github = {
owner = "obytes"
webhook_secret = "not-secret"
connection_arn = "arn:aws:codestar-connections:us-east-1:{ACCOUNT_ID}:connection/{CONNECTION_ID}"
pre_release = false
github_repository = {
name = "react-typescript-starter"
branch = "main"
# Build
app_base_dir = "."
app_build_dir = "build"
app_node_version = "latest"
app_install_cmd = "yarn install"
app_build_cmd = "yarn build"
# Web & Cloudfront (The used CDN module is here
s3_web = module.webapp_main_cdn.s3
cloudfront_distribution_id = module.webapp_main_cdn.dist["id"]
# Notification
ci_notifications_slack_channels = {
info = "ci-info"
alert = "ci-alert"
# Better to not manage this resource with terraform
# and let users modify secrets directly from console.
resource "aws_secretsmanager_secret_version" "webapp_release_env_vars" {
secret_id = module.webapp_release_ci.envs_sm_id
secret_string = jsonencode({