TwitCrusader is Twitter Client For Linux Desktop
$ git clone <project url> --recursive
[builds] TwitCrusader Linux-PackageBuild (deb, pkgbuild, rpm, and other)
[experimental] TwitCrusader unstable code, testing and other. PTKDev test only.
[nightly] TwitCrusader unstable code, testing and other. Please commit here.
[nightly-cpp] TwitCrusader++ is fork of TwitCrusader, More information on github.com/KernelMonkey/TwitCrusaderpp
Development Guidelines (Italian): http://dev.it.twitcrusader.org/
Developers Of TwitCrusader (Italian): http://it.twitcrusader.org/about/
C compiler
libnotify >= 0.7.3
Contain: libtwitc, liblogc
libtwitc Required:
- libcurl
- oauth
- libxml-2.0
- json
liblogc Required: //
$ ./autogen.sh
$ ./configure
$ make
$ su
# make install
$ su
# make uninstall
To see more informations run:
$ twc --debug
To debug the code, on compiling process, run:
$ ./configure --enable-debug
You can find us on this web source:
WebSite: http://www.twitcrusader.org/
IRC: chat.freenode.net at #teamtwc
Twitter: @teamtwc