.NET WebAPI Boilerplate Template built with .NET 6.0. Incorporates the most essential Packages your projects will ever need. Follows Clean Architecture Principles.
is the integral part of the fullstackhero
is a venture to develop industry leading boilerplate templates for the dotnet stack as the backend (webapi) along with modern client frameworks like Angular, MVC and Blazor.
This repository contains the WebApi Project of fullstackhero
This is the first pre-release version of the fullstackhero .NET WebAPI Boilerplate
package. Newer versions will be available on a weekly basis with newer updates and patches. Read the getting-started guide for more.
The Release Version is expected to be out by November, 2021 as soon as .NET 6 LTS is launched by Microsoft. Preview versions of this project is available for Initial Developer Testing.
Open up your Command Prompt / Powershell and run the following command to install the solution template.
dotnet new --install FullStackHero.WebAPI.Boilerplate
This would install the fullstackhero .NET WebAPI Boilerplate
template globally on your machine. With that done, let's see how you can start generating complete .NET WebAPI Solutions seamlessly.
Simply navigate to a new directory (wherever you want to place your new solution at), and open up Command Prompt at the opened directory.
Run the following command. Note that, in this demonstration I am naming my new solution as FSH.Starter
dotnet new fsh-api -o FSH.Starter
For further steps and details, Read the Getting Started Guide
Overview - Read
Getting Started - Read
Development Environment - Learn about setting up the DEV environment
Track Progress - Release 1.0 Milestones
Participate in Discussions - QNA & General Discussions
Join our Discord - fullstackhero @ Discord
- Built on .NET 6.0
- Follows Clean Architecture Principles
- Completely Documented at fullstackhero.net
- Multi Tenancy Support
- Supports MySQL, MSSQL & PostgreSQL!
- Uses Entity Framework Core as DB Abstraction
- Flexible Repository Pattern
- Dapper Integration for Optimal Performance
- Serilog Integration
- Swagger Support
- Mapster
- API Versioning
- Response Caching - Distributed Caching
- Fluent Validations
- Audit Logging
- Advanced User & Role Based Permission Management
- Code Analysis & StyleCop Integration with Rulesets
- JSON Based Localization with Caching
- Hangfire Support
- File Storage Service
- Test Projects
- & Much More
- Discord @fullstackhero
This project is licensed with the MIT license.