Heradoc is a markdown to LaTeX converter. It is a very biased partial reimplementation of pandoc with a pinch of hackmd.
Rust needs to be installed. To find out how to install rust, visit https://rustup.rs and follow all of the instructions.
The below doesn't work for WSL, but it's a beginning. If anyone wants to try out building heradoc for WSL, feel free to open a PR.
For ubuntu, ensure that you are using its latest version, to ensure that you have the newest versions of all packages.
To do that, run sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && do-release-upgrade
On ubuntu, install pkg-config
, libssl-dev
, libpango1.0-dev
, libxml2-dev
, libcairo2-dev
, texlive
and graphviz
On arch, install base-devel
, openssl
, pango
, libxml2
, cairo
, texlive-bin
, texlive-core
, texlive-latexextra
, texlive-bibtexextra
, biber
and texlive-science
For other distributions, those packages may have different names.
Install the following programs:
- texlive: Download the
from https://www.tug.org/texlive/acquire-netinstall.html- if downloading with that installer is incredibly slow / takes incredibly long, abort installation and try using a different mirror
- other latex implementations might also work
- graphviz:
- during installation, select Add Graphviz to the system PATH for all users
- download and execute the installer from https://www2.graphviz.org/Packages/stable/windows/10/cmake/Release/x64/
- make sure Graphviz is installed by running
from a fresh cmd - if the error message
There is no layout engine support for "dot"
appears:- open cmd as administrator (search for
in the start menu, right-click and select "Run as Administrator") - run
dot -c
- open cmd as administrator (search for
- in cmd, navigate to the folder into which you cloned this
repository and runcargo install --path .
(note the dot) build and install heradoc for the current user - to convert a file from markdown to pdf, run
heradoc file.md
in cmd
- includes of other md files (
[include foo.md]
) - cite author formatting (
> -- [@foo]
) - renders ok-ish in commonmark renderers
- produces readable latex
- worst case: fall back to latex if heradoc fails
- generate links for sections (non-alphanumerics replaced with
, all lowercase) - Footnotes (currently the footnote is on the page where the footnote definition is placed, not its first reference)
- biber support:
references biber - inline latex:
\ \LaTeX
in text,```inlinelatex\n\LaTeX\n```
as block- still render markdown between
etc, which pandoc doesn't - not if HTML as backend
- still render markdown between
- Table of Contents:
- Bibliography:
- List of Listings:
- List of Tables:
- List of Figures:
: Rendered graphviz dot format (using dot cli) - inline latex math mode (
`$ foo
) - equation without number (
) - equation with number (
) - hrule
- pagebreak / newpage (
) - unicode support (for common symbols, translate into latex math equivalents, e.g. →, basically neo layer 6 :D )
- typographic replacements (e.g.
) - code-blocks with inline unicode / math-mode (
- typographic replacements (e.g.
: sets all correct formatting for appendix, should be used before the heading - unified labels (#16)
- Header labels:
{#my-label}\n\n# Header
: "prefix"-style# Header {#my-label}
: "inline"-style# Header
: autogenerated (#header
)[^a-zA-Z0-9-_ ]
removed,[ ]
replaced with-
- Code (graphviz, equation, …) / Table / Image labels ("prefix-style"):
- must start with
and end with}
- must be either its own markdown paragraph (empty line before and in some cases empty line after) or at the start of a paragraph followed by a SoftBreak (empty line before and line break after)
- may be indented (will be trimmed)
{#my-label} ```rust fn main() {} ```
- Tables require empty line, otherwise it isn't a valid table
{#my-label} Head 1 | Head 2 --- | :-: Cell 1 | Cell 2
- must start with
- Code (graphviz, equation, …) has additional style for easier compatibility with other markdown parsers
```rust,#my-label fn main() {} ```
- Images (label must start a paragraph and be followed by a line break with the image directly after)
- Header labels:
- unified item attributes for code blocks / equations / numbered equations / tables
- label
- figure / nofigure / figure=true / figure=false
- caption
- scale / width / height for image / graphviz / ...
- tasklist:
- [ ] foo
- tables: merge columns
- tables: merge rows
- tables: merge columns and rows (e.g. 3x3 field)
- comments
- citation style (.cs)
- label-list:
* `label`: Description
(escape hatch with double-space after list item dot) - description-list:
* **description**: Description
(escape hatch with double-space after list item dot) - includes of files other than images / md
- alert area??? (success, info, warning, danger)
- superscript (
) - subscript (
- output (file / stdout)
- out-type (tex, pdf, …)
- papersize
- documentclass
- geometry
- header includes
- pdf metadata
- compare with pandoc
- figures (true / false): puts every listing / image / … inside figures
- oneside (true / false)
- itemizespacing
- use minted instead of lstlistings
- lstset
- graphicspath (probably not needed due to resolve)
- cleveref options
- let footnotes appear where they are first used vs where they are declared
- make softbreaks (line breaks) hard brakes (line ends with 2 spaces)
- typed config options per type (instead of strings) where appropriate
heradoc -o bar.pdf bar.md
- configuration file
- configuration directly in .md file similar to pandoc, but better :)
- pandoc header renders bad in other markdown renderers
heradoc bar.md
(short forheradoc -o bar.pdf bar.md
) - every cli option must be configurable in the header (except
and similar) - cli overrides header overrides config-file overrides defaults
- latex backend
- article (scrartcl)
- thesis (scrbook)
- report (scrreprt)
- beamer
- HTML backend
- get rid of latex altogether
- book
- slides
- Generation via file templates
- separate templates for headers and body
- one template which headers and body get rendered into
- http://www.arewewebyet.org/topics/templating/
- pulldown-cmark