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This package contains miscellaneous php interfaces and classes to structure and organize data as well as groups of objects.


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naucon Utility Package


This package provides miscellaneous php interfaces and classes to structure and organize data as well as groups of objects.


  • Iterator
    • IteratorAware
    • IteratorReverse
    • IteratorLimit
    • Paginator
  • IteratorDecoratorAbstract
    • IteratorDecoratorReverse
    • IteratorDecoratorLimit
    • PaginatorDecorator
  • Collection
    • CollectionDecorator
  • ArrayList
  • Map
    • HashMap
    • TreeMap
  • Set
    • HashSet
  • Tree
  • Enumerator
  • Composite


This package is inspired by java.util package. The concepts has been adjusted to the PHP world.


  • PHP5.3


install the latest version via composer

composer require naucon/utility


Start the build-in webserver to see the examples in action:

cd examples
php -S

open url in browser

Basic Usage


Iterator extends IteratorAbstract IteratorAbstract implements IteratorInterface IteratorInterface extends Iterator, Countable

The Iterator class holds data in a internal array. The class can be iterated with the foreach() command to retrieve the data from the array. It also provides the following methods to cycle and count data: isFirst(), isLast(), current(), next(), hasNext(), previous(), hasPrevious(), first(), last(), rewind(), key(), indexOf(), hasIndex(), setItemPosition(), count(). The class implements the Iterator and Countable interface of PHP.

In contrast to the Collection or the ArrayList the Iterator is only can retrieve data it can not add them. Also it has no control of its index.

$array = array();
$array[] = 'foo';
$array[] = 'bar';

// create instance
use Naucon\Utility\Iterator;
$iteratorObject = new Iterator($array);

// count
echo count($iteratorObject); // output: 2

// iterate
foreach ($iteratorObject as $key => $value) {
    echo $value . ' ';
// output: foo bar


IteratorAware extends IteratorAwareAbstract IteratorAwareAbstract implements IteratorAwareInterface IteratorAwareInterface extends IteratorAggregate, Countable

The IteratorAware class works like the Iterator class. Instead of a array it holds the data in a internal Iterator instance. Without any methodes to cycle data the class can be iterated with the foreach() command. To count data it provides the methode count(). The internal Iterator can be accessed through the method getIterator(). The class implements the IteratorAggregate and Countable interface.

// create instance
use Naucon\Utility\IteratorAware;
use Naucon\Utility\Iterator;
$iteratorAwareObject = new IteratorAware(new Iterator(array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)));

// count
echo count($iteratorAwareObject); // output: 10

// iterate
foreach ($iteratorAwareObject as $key => $value) {
    echo $value . '';
// output: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


IteratorReverse extends IteratorReverseAbstract IteratorReverseAbstract extends IteratorAbstract IteratorAbstract implements IteratorInterface IteratorInterface extends Iterator, Countable

Based on the Iterator the IteratorReverse class reverse the order of the returned items.

$array = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);

// create instance
use Naucon\Utility\IteratorReverse;
$iteratorObject = new IteratorReverse($array);

// count
echo count($iteratorObject); // Output: 10

// iterate
foreach ($iteratorObject as $key => $value) {
    echo $value . ' ';
// Output: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


IteratorLimit extends IteratorLimitAbstract IteratorLimitAbstract extends IteratorAbstract implements IteratorLimitInterface IteratorAbstract implements IteratorInterface IteratorInterface extends Iterator, Countable

Based on the Iterator the IteratorLimit class retrieve a subset of the data by a given offset and count parameter.

$array = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21);

// create instance
use Naucon\Utility\IteratorLimit;
$iteratorObject = new IteratorLimit($array, 10, 10); // offset=10, count=10

// count
echo count($iteratorObject); // Output: 21

// iterate
foreach ($iteratorObject as $key => $value) {
    echo $value . ' ';
// Output: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


Paginator extends PaginatorAbstract PaginatorAbstract extends IteratorLimitAbstract implements PaginatorInterface IteratorLimitAbstract extends IteratorAbstract implements IteratorLimitInterface IteratorAbstract implements IteratorInterface IteratorInterface extends Iterator, Countable

Based on the IteratorLimit the Paginator class devise the data into pages by a given itemsPerPage parameter. It also provides the following methods to control pages: getCurrentPageNumber(), setPage(), nextPage(), countPages(), isFirstPage(), isLastPage(), hasNextPage(), hasPreviousPage(), getNextPageNumber(), getPreviousPageNumber().

$array = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21);

// create instance
use Naucon\Utility\Paginator;
$paginatorObject = new Paginator($array, 10);

// count
echo count($paginatorObject); // Output: 21

// iterate page 1
foreach ($paginatorObject as $key => $value) {
    echo $value . ' ';
// Output: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

// next page

// iterate page 2
foreach ($paginatorObject as $key => $value) {
    echo $value . ' ';
// Output: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

// set a certain page

// iterate page 3
foreach ($paginatorObject as $key => $value) {
    echo $value . ' ';
// Output: 21


IteratorDecoratorAbstract implements IteratorInterface IteratorInterface extends Iterator, Countable

The IteratorDecoratorAbstract is a abstract class. Like the IteratorAware class it holds the data in a internal Iterator instance. Instead of the IteratorAware it implements every method of the IteratorInterface to be completely compatible to a normal Iterator.

His purpose is to create a abstraction layer between Iterator and a individual implementation.

For example the Paginator and IteratorLimit can't modify the same data or instance. Because they are individual implementations of the IteratorInterface. Which a decorator you can modify any Iterator instance a often as you like.

As you can guess it is the basement of the IteratorDecoratorReverse, IteratorDecoratorLimit and PaginatorDecorator class.


IteratorDecoratorReverse extends IteratorDecoratorAbstract IteratorDecoratorAbstract implements IteratorInterface IteratorInterface extends Iterator, Countable

The IteratorDecoratorReverse class is a decorator for any instance of IteratorInterface. The Decorator reverse the order of the returned items. It have the same methods as the IteratorLimit class.

$array = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);

// create instance
use Naucon\Utility\Iterator;
use Naucon\Utility\IteratorDecoratorReverse;
$iteratorLimitObject = new IteratorDecoratorReverse(new Iterator($array));


IteratorDecoratorLimit extends IteratorDecoratorAbstract IteratorDecoratorAbstract implements IteratorInterface IteratorInterface extends Iterator, Countable

The IteratorDecoratorLimit class is a decorator for any instance of IteratorInterface. The Decorator retrieve a subset of the data by a given offset and count parameter. It have the same methods as the IteratorLimit class.

$array = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21);

// create instance
use Naucon\Utility\Iterator;
use Naucon\Utility\IteratorDecoratorLimit;
$iteratorLimitObject = new IteratorDecoratorLimit(new Iterator($array), 0, 10);


PaginatorDecorator extends IteratorDecoratorLimit implements PaginatorInterface IteratorDecoratorLimit extends IteratorDecoratorAbstract IteratorDecoratorAbstract implements IteratorInterface IteratorInterface extends Iterator, Countable

The PaginatorDecorator class is a decorator for any instance of IteratorInterface. The Decorator devise the data into pages by a given itemsPerPage parameter. It have the same methods as the Paginator class.

$array = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21);

// create instance
use Naucon\Utility\Iterator;
use Naucon\Utility\PaginatorDecorator;
$paginatorObject = new PaginatorDecorator(new Iterator($array), 10);


Collection extends CollectionAbstract CollectionAbstract extends IteratorAwareAbstract implements CollectionInterface IteratorAwareAbstract implements IteratorAwareInterface IteratorAwareInterface extends IteratorAggregate, Countable

The Collection class holds, add and remove data in a internal array. Also it implements the IteratorAwareInterface to iterated the data with the foreach() command.

In contrast to the Iterator or IteratorAware the Collection can retrieve, add and remove data. But he also has no control of the index.

It provides the following methods to add and count data: add(), addAll(), clear(), contains(), isEmpty(), getIterator(), remove(), count(), toArray(). The class implements the IteratorAggregate and Countable interface of PHP.

$array = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);

// create instance
use Naucon\Utility\Collection;
$collectionObject = new Collection($array);

// count
echo count($collectionObject); // Output: 10

// iterate
foreach ($collectionObject as $key => $value) {
    echo $value . ' ';
// Output: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

// dump data to a array
// Output: array(10) { [0]=> int(1) [1]=> int(2) [2]=> int(3) [3]=> int(4) [4]=> int(5) [5]=> int(6) [6]=> int(7) [7]=> int(8) [8]=> int(9) [9]=> int(10) }

// contains value of 10
if ($collectionObject->contains(10)) {
    echo 'TRUE';
} else {
    echo 'FALSE';
// Output: TRUE

// contains value of 40
if ($collectionObject->contains(40)) {
    echo 'TRUE';
} else {
    echo 'FALSE';
// Output: FALSE

// add data

// add array of data
$collectionObject->addAll(array(12, 13, 14, 15, 16));

// remove data

// remove all data


CollectionDecorator extends CollectionDecoratorAbstract CollectionDecoratorAbstract implements CollectionInterface CollectionInterface extends IteratorAwareInterface IteratorAwareInterface extends IteratorAggregate, Countable

The CollectionDecorator is a abstract class. Like the IteratorDecoratorAbstract class it holds the data in a internal Collection instance. It implements every method of the CollectionInterface to be completely compatible to a normal Collection.

His purpose is to create a abstraction layer between Collection and a individual implementation.


ArrayList extends ListAbstract ListAbstract extends CollectionAbstract implements ListInterface CollectionAbstract extends IteratorAwareAbstract implements CollectionInterface IteratorAwareAbstract implements IteratorAwareInterface IteratorAwareInterface extends IteratorAggregate, Countable

The ArrayList class holds, add and remove data in a internal array with a individual index. Also it implements the CollectionInterface and therefore the IteratorAwareInterface to iterated the data with the foreach() command.

In contrast to the Collection he has control of the index.

It provides the following methods to add and count data: add(), addWithIndex(), addAll(), get(), hasIndex(), removeIndex(), set(), clear(), contains(), isEmpty(), getIterator(), remove(), count(), toArray(). The class implements the IteratorAggregate and Countable interface of PHP.

$array = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);

// create instance
use Naucon\Utility\ArrayList;
$listObject = new ArrayList($array);

// count
echo count($listObject); // Output: 10

// iterate
foreach ($listObject as $key => $value) {
    echo $value . ' ';
// Output: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

// dump data to a array
// Output: array(10) { [0]=> int(1) [1]=> int(2) [2]=> int(3) [3]=> int(4) [4]=> int(5) [5]=> int(6) [6]=> int(7) [7]=> int(8) [8]=> int(9) [9]=> int(10) }

// get entry by index
echo $listObject->get(0); // Output: 1
echo $listObject->get(9); // Output: 10

// add data

// add array of data
$listObject->addAll(array(12, 13, 14, 15, 16));

// add data with index
$listObject->addWithIndex(16, 17);
$listObject->addWithIndex(17, 18);
$listObject->set(18, 19);
$listObject->set(10, 99);

// remove data by value

// remove data by index

// remove all data


Map extends MapAbstract MapAbstract implements MapInterface MapInterface extends Countable

The Map class holds, add and remove key-value pairs of data in a internal array. In contrast to the Iterator and Collection classes it can not interate data with the foreach() command.

A key in a Map can only be used once. when adding a key-value pair with a existing key it will overwrite the existing key-value pair. That is the main difference to the Set class.

It provides the following methods to add and remove key-value pairs: hasKey(), hasValue(), get(), getAll(), set(), setAll(), set(), remove(), clear(), count(). The class implements the Countable interface of PHP.

// create instance
use Naucon\Utility\Map;
$mapObject = new Map();

// key-value pair 1
$mapKey[] = 'KeyA';
$mapValue[] = 'Value A';

// key-value pair 2
$mapKey[] = 'KeyB';
$mapValue[] = 'Value B';

// key-value pair 3
$mapKey[] = 'KeyC';
$mapValue[] = 'Value C';

// add key-value-pairs to map
$mapObject->set($mapKey[0], $mapValue[0]);
$mapObject->set($mapKey[1], $mapValue[1]);
$mapObject->set($mapKey[2], $mapValue[2]);

// get key-value-pairs from map
echo $mapObject->get($mapKey[0]); // Output: Value A
echo $mapObject->get($mapKey[1]); // Output: Value B
echo $mapObject->get($mapKey[2]); // Output: Value C

// count key-value-pairs
echo count($mapObject); // Output: 3

// remove key-value pair with 'Value B'


HashMap extends HashMapAbstract HashMapAbstract extends MapAbstract implements HashMapInterface MapAbstract implements MapInterface MapInterface extends Countable

Based on the Map the HashMap add and remove key-value pairs in the same way as the Map class do. In contrast to the Map class the key in an HashMap can also be a instance of an object. The HashMap converts the instance with the spl_object_hash() function to a hash key. Because the key is converted to a hash the HashMap can not return it original form (object). But values can be added, removed and returned by a given instance.

It provides the following methods to add and remove key-value pairs: hasKey(), hasValue(), get(), getAll(), set(), setAll(), set(), remove(), clear(), count(). The class implements the Countable interface of PHP.


TreeMap extends TreeMapAbstract TreeMapAbstract extends Map implements MapInterface Map extends MapAbstract MapAbstract implements MapInterface MapInterface extends Countable

The TreeMap class works like the Map Class. It holds, add and remove key-value pairs of data in a internal array.

A contrast to a a Map the TreeMap can add multiple value to one key.

It provides the following methods to add and remove key-value pairs: hasKey(), hasValue(), get(), getAll(), set(), setAll(), set(), remove(), clear(), count(). The class implements the Countable interface of PHP.

// create instance
use Naucon\Utility\TreeMap;
$mapObject = new TreeMap();

// key-value pair 1
$mapKey[0] = 'KeyA';
$mapValue[0] = 'Value A';

// key-value pair 2
$mapKey[1] = 'KeyB';
$mapValue[1] = 'Value B';

// key-value pair 3
$mapKey[2] = 'KeyC';
$mapValue[2][0] = 'Value C1';
$mapValue[2][1] = 'Value C2';
$mapValue[2][2] = 'Value C3';

// add key-value pairs to map
$mapObject->set($mapKey[0], $mapValue[0]);
$mapObject->set($mapKey[1], $mapValue[1]);
$mapObject->set($mapKey[2], $mapValue[2][0]);
$mapObject->set($mapKey[2], $mapValue[2][1]);
$mapObject->set($mapKey[2], $mapValue[2][2]);

// get key-value pairs from map
echo $mapObject->get($mapKey[0]); // Output: Value A
echo $mapObject->get($mapKey[1]); // Output: Value B
foreach ($mapObject->get($mapKey[2]) as $value) {
    echo $value . ' ';
// Output: Value C1 Value C2 Value C3'

// count key-value-pairs
echo count($mapObject); // Output: 3

// remove key-value with 'Value B'


Set extends SetAbstract SetAbstract extends CollectionAbstract CollectionAbstract extends IteratorAwareAbstract implements CollectionInterface IteratorAwareAbstract implements IteratorAwareInterface

The Set class works like the Collection Class. It holds, add and remove data in a internal array. A existing value can only added once. Also data can be interated throught the foreach() command.

It provides the following methods to retrieve, add and remove data: add(), addAll(), clear(), contains(), isEmpty(), getIterator(), remove(), count(), toArray(). The class implements the IteratorAggregate and Countable interface of PHP.

// create instance
use Naucon\Utility\Set;
$setObject = new Set();
$setObject->addAll(array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10));

// count
echo count($setObject); // Output: 10

// iterate
foreach ($setObject as $key => $value) {
    echo $value . ' ';
// Output: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

// dump data to a array
// Output: array(10) { [0]=> int(1) [1]=> int(2) [2]=> int(3) [3]=> int(4) [4]=> int(5) [5]=> int(6) [6]=> int(7) [7]=> int(8) [8]=> int(9) [9]=> int(10) }

// contains value of 10
if ($setObject->contains(10)) {
    echo 'TRUE';
} else {
    echo 'FALSE';
// Output: TRUE

// contains value of 40
if ($setObject->contains(40)) {
    echo 'TRUE';
} else {
    echo 'FALSE';
// Output: FALSE

// add data
$setObject->add(11);    // return true

// add array of data
$setObject->addAll(array(12, 13, 14, 15, 16));

// add duplicate data   // return false

// remove data

// remove all data


HashSet extends HashSetAbstract HashSetAbstract extends SetAbstract implements HashSetInterface SetAbstract extends CollectionAbstract CollectionAbstract extends IteratorAwareAbstract implements CollectionInterface IteratorAwareAbstract implements IteratorAwareInterface

Based on the Set the HashSet hold, add and remove data in the same way as the Set class do. In contrast to the Set class the key in an HashSet is a hash of its value. The HashSet converts a given instance of an value with the spl_object_hash() function to a hash key.

Like the Set class a existing value can only added once. Also data can be interated throught the foreach() command.

It provides the following methods to add and remove key-value pairs: add(), addAll(), clear(), contains(), isEmpty(), getIterator(), remove(), count(), toArray(). The class implements the IteratorAggregate and Countable interface of PHP.


Tree extends TreeAbstract TreeAbstract extends TreeNodeAbstract implements TreeInterface TreeNodeAbstract implements TreeNodeInterface TreeInterface extends TreeNodeInterface, IteratorAwareInterface IteratorAwareInterface extends IteratorAggregate, Countable

The Tree class holds hierarchical structure data in a internal HashSet. The class can be iterated with the foreach() command to retrieve the data from the HashSet. It also provides the following methods to retrieve, add, remove data: getIterator(), hasChilds(), count(), add(), addChild(), removeChild(), hasParent(), getParent(), removeNode(), rewind(), key(), indexOf(), hasIndex(), setItemPosition(), count(). The class implements the IteratorAggregate and Countable interface of PHP.

In contrast to the IteratorAware, Iterator or Collection the Tree only works with instances of TreeNodeInterface.

// create instance
use Naucon\Utility\TreeNodeAbstract;
use Naucon\Utility\TreeInterface;
use Naucon\Utility\TreeAbstract;
use Naucon\Utility\Tree;
$treeRootObject = new Tree();

// declare a simple tree node class
class FooTree extends TreeNodeAbstract
    protected $value = '';

    public function __construct($value)
        $this->value = $value;

    public function getValue()
        return $this->value;

// declare another simple tree node class
class BarTree extends TreeAbstract
    protected $value = '';

    public function __construct($value)
        $this->value = $value;

    public function getValue()
        return $this->value;

// create instance of tree nodes
$fooObj1 = new \FooTree('A');
$fooObj2 = new \FooTree('B');

// add a nodes A and B to tree

// add a tree C to tree
$treeChildLevel1Object = $treeRootObject->add(new \BarTree('C')); // add() returns a instance of the `TreeNode`

// add a node C1 to node C
$treeChildLevel1Object->add(new \FooTree('C1'));

// add a node C2 to node C
$treeChildLevel2Object = $treeChildLevel1Object->add(new \BarTree('C2'));

// add a node C21 to node C2
$treeChildLevel2Object->add(new \FooTree('C21'));

// add a node C3 to node C
$treeChildLevel1Object->add(new \FooTree('C3'));

// add a node D to tree
$treeRootObject->add(new \FooTree('D'));

// count
echo count($treeRootObject); // Output: 4

// iterate
foreach ($treeRootObject as $treeNodeObject) {
    echo $treeNodeObject->getValue();
    echo '<br/>';

    if ($treeNodeObject instanceof TreeInterface) {
        foreach ($treeNodeObject as $treeChildNodeObject) {
            echo $treeNodeObject->getValue() . ' - ' . $treeChildNodeObject->getValue();
            echo '<br/>';

            if ($treeChildNodeObject instanceof TreeInterface) {
                foreach ($treeChildNodeObject as $treeChild2NodeObject) {
                    echo $treeNodeObject->getValue() . ' - ' . $treeChildNodeObject->getValue() . ' - ' . $treeChild2NodeObject->getValue();
                    echo '<br/>';
// Output:
// A
// B
// C
// C - C1
// C - C2
// C - C2 - C21
// C - C3
// D

// remove tree node from tree


Enumerator extends EnumeratorAbstract EnumeratorAbstract extends IteratorAbstract implements EnumeratorInterface IteratorAbstract implements IteratorInterface IteratorInterface extends Iterator, Countable

The Enumerator class provides a easy way to retrieve, add and interated key-value-pairs of data. The class can be iterated with the foreach() command. It also provides the following methods to retrieve, add and remove key-value pairs of data: set(), remove(), isFirst(), isLast(), current(), next(), hasNext(), previous(), hasPrevious(), first(), last(), key(), valid(), rewind(), hasIndex(), indexOf(), setItemPosition(), count(). The class implements the Iterator and Countable interface.

// create instance
use Naucon\Utility\Enumerator;
$enumeratorObject1 = new Enumerator('RED', 'BLUE', 'GREEN', 'YELLOW', 'BLACK');

echo 'My favorite color is ' . $enumeratorObject1->RED;
// Output: My favorite color is RED

// iterate
foreach ($enumeratorObject1 as $key => $value) {
    echo $value . ' ';

// create another instance
$enumeratorObject2 = new Enumerator();

// add enumeration
$enumeratorObject2->set('FF0000', 'RED');
$enumeratorObject2->set('0000FF', 'BLUE');
$enumeratorObject2->set('00FF00', 'GREEN');
$enumeratorObject2->set('FFFF00', 'YELLOW');
$enumeratorObject2->set('000000', 'BLACK');

echo 'HEX color code of RED is #' . $enumeratorObject2->RED;
// Output: HEX color code of RED is #FF0000

// create another instance
$enumeratorObject3 = new Enumerator();

// add enumeration
$enumeratorObject3->RED = 'FF0000';
$enumeratorObject3->BLUE = '0000FF';
$enumeratorObject3->GREEN = '00FF00';
$enumeratorObject3->YELLOW = 'FFFF00';
$enumeratorObject3->BLACK = '000000';

echo 'HEX color code of RED is #' . $enumeratorObject3->RED;
// Output: HEX color code of RED is #FF0000

// create another instance
$enumeratorObjectParent = new Enumerator();

// add enumeration
$enumeratorObjectParent->COLOR = $enumeratorObject3;    // add a enumeration instance
$enumeratorObjectParent->FOO = 'bar';

echo 'HEX color code of RED is #' . $enumeratorObjectParent->COLOR->RED . '<br/>';
// Output: HEX color code of RED is #FF0000

// iterate
foreach ($enumeratorObjectParent as $key => $value) {
    if ($value instanceof Enumerator) {
        echo $key . ' ';
        foreach ($value as $value2) {
            echo $value2 . ' ';
    } else {
        echo (string)$value . ' ';
// Output: COLOR FF0000 0000FF 00FF00 FFFF00 000000 bar


Composite extends CompositeAbstract CompositeAbstract extends IteratorAbstract implements CompositeElementInterface IteratorAbstract implements IteratorInterface IteratorInterface extends Iterator, Countable

The Composite class holds hierarchical structure data in a internal array similar to the Tree class. The class can be iterated with the foreach() command to retrieve the child elements. It also provides the following methods to retrieve, add, remove data: add(), remove(), isFirst(), isLast(), current(), next(), hasNext(), previous(), hasPrevious(), first(), last(), key(), valid(), rewind(), indexOf(), setItemPosition(), count(). The class implements the Iterator and Countable interface of PHP.

In contrast to the Tree class the composite has no root element. Every element is equal to each other.

The elements have to be a instances of CompositeElementInterface.

use Naucon\Utility\CompositeAbstract;

// declare simple composite element class
class CompositeElement extends CompositeAbstract
    protected $state = null;

    public function __construct($state)
        $this->state = $state;

    public function __toString()
        return $this->state;

// create element instances
$elementAObject = new \CompositeElement('A');
$elementBObject = new \CompositeElement('B');
$elementCObject = new \CompositeElement('C');
$elementDObject = new \CompositeElement('D');
$elementEObject = new \CompositeElement('E');

// add elements
$elementAObject->add($elementBObject); // B to A
$elementAObject->add($elementCObject); // C to A
$elementBObject->add($elementDObject); // D to B
$elementAObject->add($elementEObject); // E to A

// iterate
foreach ($elementAObject as $elementChildObject) {
    echo (string)$elementChildObject . ' '; // call __toString() method
// Output: B C E

// remove element


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2015 Sven Sanzenbacher

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



This package contains miscellaneous php interfaces and classes to structure and organize data as well as groups of objects.







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